Word Version


  1. When you first arrived on the PIPSC Board (or Committee or Group Executive) what were the biggest issues that confronted this body, as you recall.
  2. Name the main accomplishment(s) achieved during your term in office on the Board? Be as detailed as you wish. If a particular individual played a key leadership role in this regard, please identify that person.
  3. What significant matter did the Executive (or committee or Group Executive) not get done that you wish it had been able to get done before your term was complete? How do you explain this result?
  4. When you left the PIPSC Board (or committee or Group Executive), what were the chief issues confronting the incoming Executive, again, as you recall them? Had the issues changed? Were the issues essentially the same? Were there new developments that amounted to “game changers” that had an impact on incoming Board priorities?
  5. Name (up to) three individuals who, in your opinion, have most influenced in a positive way the direction and achievements of PIPSC: You may choose three names for each time period. You may repeat the names from one time period to another. The persons named need not be elected executive members.

a. In the last 50 years or more (i.e. since 1965)? Briefly identify the contribution made by each.




b. in the last 25 years (i.e., since 1995)? Briefly identify the contribution made by each.




7. (Optional) Can you give a short outline of an event or episode that was in some way exceptional during your term in office on the Board, a PIPSC committee or a Group Executive. This need not relate to the Board or constituent body per se, but something in the field of Public Sector unionism that, for you, was an important milestone for PIPSC or which provides an insight into something important in the development of Public Sector Unionism in Canada and/or the Federal Public Sector.

8. Like any institution, PIPSC has had its successes and failures; there have been good times and bad times and we all like to focus on the more positive experiences. However, it is also important to acknowledge some of the more difficult times in our history. Are there any times that stand out for you as particularly difficult or dangerous for PIPSC and its members?

With much appreciation for your cooperation,

100th Anniversary Committee

The Professional Institute will be celebrating its 100th Anniversary on February 6, 2020. In preparation for this event, the 100th Anniversary Committee is gathering current and historical information about PIPSC and its various entities. The Groups are an important and integral part of the organization of PIPSC and we would appreciate it if you could take a few minutes to fill out this questionnaire and return it to 100anniversary@pipsc.ca.


1. Group Name

2. Approximate number of Members in the Group

3. Please give a brief description of the professions represented by the Group

4. Year when Group became affiliated with PIPSC and manner in which group became affiliated (i.e., 1920; one of the original members to form PIPSC)

5. Have there been any changes to the group structure/membership since its inception? If yes, what were those changes and why did they occur? (i.e., During the Universal Classification System exercise, the group was expanded to include other professions which were previously separate groups within PIPSC)

6. What would you consider to be milestones in your Group’s history with PIPSC?

7. What has been your Group’s role with and impact on PIPSC?

8. Are there individuals in your Group who played a leadership role in PIPSC? If yes, then please identify them and the role they have played.

9. Are there events or stories about your members and/or your Group that you would like to share with us?

10. Can you suggest individuals that the 100th Anniversary Committee can contact for information on the history and evolution of your group? If you have any contact information for those individuals, please provide it to the committee.

Friday, December 15, 2017

11:30 am – 1:00 pm

PIPSC Office

250 Tremblay Road, Ottawa

Hot Lunch Included

Annual General Meeting

Reports and reviews of the past year's activities

Election Results - new members of the S & A Group Executive

Guest Speaker - State of the Collective Agreement Negotiations


Guest Speaker – SR Classification

**Space is limited**

You are cordially invited to attend the:

Annual Open House in Winnipeg

Thursday, December 7, 2017

5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

King’s Head Pub

120 King Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba

All PIPSC members are welcome! Free appetizers and refreshments!

Please contact WASM Branch at: PIPSC-WASM@pipsc.ca


Holiday Open House in Brandon

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Annual General Meeting of the VM-Ontario Subgroup

The meeting is to take place on Saturday, December 2nd, 2017 at 12-3 PM


INDIA's TASTE (at the corner of Macglaulin Rd and Mavis Rd, Brampton)
Phone: 905-450-5959

The agenda for our meeting is as follows:

1. Opening meeting remarks & welcome Sean Marshall

2. Collective bargaining updates Nick Pulrnell / Ayman Soryal

3. Agency Transformation /modernization Sean Marshall

On November 20th, the Transgender community in Ottawa will be remembering members of their community lost to violence and hatred. The commemoration will be held at the Human Rights Memorial on Elgin Street at 6pm. PIPSC is hosting a quiet reception after the event at the Lord Elgin Hotel for those affected by loss.

The Bargaining Team last sent out an update from the bargaining session of February 2017. Some of you have asked why there haven’t been many other updates on our website.  The answer is quite simple – during this time there was little to update the membership on.  We had hoped to come to you with a positive message; instead we have a report on CFIA’s broken promises.

We had bargaining dates set for March, and were CFIA promised we would be in a position to talk about pay issues.  They weren’t ready and the session was cancelled. 

Minutes of the Lethbridge AFS Subgroup Annual General Meeting

December 1, 2016

New Dynasty Restaurant

Attendees:  Shayne Baker, Robert Beggs, Chelsey Butler, Tyler Clark, Brent Clifton, Mary Cousins, Richard Desjardins, Kim Forsyth, Tony Pierson, Brent Rodgers, John Tyreman, Curtis Zwingli, Todd McCoy, Mary-Ann Isaac, Mark Marynowski, and Kim Mclean


Motion to accept the December 1, 2015 minutes made by Robert Beggs, seconded by Curtis Zwingli.