
3 October 2024
Readers will notice in our last post, that the OSFI Pay Equity Plan was drafted and posted to receive feedback.
17 July 2024
PIPSC is thrilled to announce that the OSFI Pay Equity Committee, composed of PIPSC and employer representatives, has finalized a draft pay equity plan.
6 March 2024
The PIPSC OSFI Group is pleased to announce that our members have voted to accept the tentative agreement reached with OSFI on February 2, 2024.
14 February 2024
After many months of negotiations, the OSFI Group bargaining team is pleased to announce that a tentative agreement has been reached with OSFI, concluding this round of bargaining.
13 February 2024
Your PIPSC OSFI Group Bargaining Team is pleased to announce that on February 2, 2024, we reached a tentative agreement with the OSFI to conclude this round of collective bargaining.
8 May 2023
As you’re likely now aware, OSFI has officially implemented a Return to Office policy starting in July 2023.
17 February 2023
Your bargaining team met with OSFI on February 15 & 16 to discuss non-monetary proposals.   On February 15 and 16, your bargaining team met with OSFI to discuss their respective non-monetary proposals.
18 January 2023
Happy new year! On January 9 and 10, your bargaining team met with the employer to discuss their respective proposals. 
9 January 2023
Here are the bargaining proposals that were exchanged between the PIPSC OSFI Group and OSFI. PIPSC OSFI Group
17 October 2022
Just a short update to keep our members apprised of the bargaining process.  The OSFI Group bargaining team is preparing to exchange proposals with the employer in early-to-mid November 2022. Additional details will be distributed in the near future. 
25 May 2022
Save the date for June Lunch and Learns.
17 May 2022
It is with deep sadness that we must pass along the news of the sudden passing of our cherished colleague Shabnam Khosrowshahi.
22 February 2022
Update your contact information to ensure you receive your bargaining survey.
10 September 2021
We’re starting to prepare for the next round of bargaining by putting together the OSFI Group Bargaining Team. We still have 1 position available. 
28 July 2021
Applications to join the Bargaining Team must be submitted by 12:00 PM ET on August 17, 2021.
2 December 2019
While every effort is made to ensure accuracy of this content, no responsibility is assumed for errors or omissions. COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT
30 August 2019
OSFI Bargaining Update #9 – COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT SIGNED Your Bargaining Team is pleased to announce that the Collective Agreement was signed on August 27, 2019 by PIPSC President Debi Daviau.  The information in the timeline below sets out important dates relating to implementation of t
25 July 2019
OSFI Bargaining Update # 8 – OSFI Members Ratify Tentative Agreement We are pleased to announce that the OSFI group has voted in favour of the new collective agreement!
5 July 2019
PIPSC Vote on the PIPSC OSFI Group Tentative Agreement – July, 2019 Dear PIPSC member,
25 June 2019
We Have a Deal! Your PIPSC Bargaining Team is pleased to announce that we have reached a Tentative Agreement with OSFI! Following several full days of extensive and productive discussion, on Friday June 21, 2019, the PIPSC and OSFI Bargaining Teams reached a tentative agreement that we will present to the members for ratification in the coming weeks.
30 May 2019
OSFI Bargaining Update # 6 – What’s New? Central Table Tentative Agreement
22 May 2019
The OSFI-PEG / GEP-BSIF election results are as follows: Five (5) members put their names forward to serve on the OSFI-PEG Executive Committee:
13 May 2019
Here are the bargaining proposals that were exchanged between the PIPSC OSFI Group and OSFI. PIPSC OSFI
29 April 2019
While every effort is made to ensure accuracy of this content, no responsibility is assumed for errors or omissions. COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT
26 April 2019
Your PIPSC Bargaining Team and the Employer exchanged proposals on April 15, 2019.  The PIPSC Team submitted a comprehensive package of proposals, seeking to address the issues and concerns identified by members in our bargaining survey, member focus groups and consultations with PIPSC Employment Relations Officers.
12 March 2019
Your Bargaining Team was looking forward to meeting with OSFI in February and March to commence bargaining.
9 January 2019
Your Bargaining Team would like to thank the members from Ottawa, Toronto and Vancouver who participated in our focus groups.  Your input and suggestions were very helpful and we appreciate your participation over your lunch breaks to support your Union.
6 December 2018
Your bargaining team met November 30, 2018 to discuss the bargaining survey results. Members' level of participation and written comments are encouraging. Your continued support and engagement is essential in helping us draft proposals and determine priorities for this round of bargaining.
14 November 2018
The OSFI Collective Agreement was signed by the employer and Institute representatives on November 1, 2018. The new agreement will be posted on the PIPSC website shortly.
25 April 2018
As previously communicated, your bargaining team had reached an impasse with the Employer on your most important issue….pay.  On March 29, 2018, your bargaining team met with the Conciliator, Dan Butler, at the PSLREB to present our case.  The
7 February 2018
Further to our last bargaining update, we would like to inform you that Mr. Dan Butler has been chosen as the conciliator and the hearing date has been set as March 29, 2018.
24 November 2017
Further to our last bargaining update, we would like to inform you that the parties have met at the PSLREB on November 9, 2017 to negotiate a Memorandum of Agreement and to discuss the terms of the upcoming binding conciliation.
25 October 2017
As you are aware, your bargaining team has met with the Employer on several occasions since early 2015 in an attempt to negotiate a new collective agreement.
29 May 2017
Your Bargaining Team feels they have come to an impasse with the Employer. The Bargaining Team will be filing for binding conciliation within the next couple of weeks. Once a date has been formalized, it will be communicated to the membership.
6 April 2017
The OSFI-PEG bargaining team met with the employer on March 27-28 and 30-31. After four full days, your bargaining team was able to sign off on several non-monetary items. The last remaining item left on the table is pay.
9 February 2017
After a long delay, the Employer has final received a clear mandate to negotiate from the Treasury Board. The parties will be back in bargaining on March 27 to 31. We remain hopeful that the parties will be able to reach a fair settlement.