The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada

Understanding work force adjustment

A work force adjustment (WFA) situation arises when the service of an employee is no longer required because of:

  • Lack of work
  • Discontinuance of a function
  • A relocation of a work unit where the employee does not wish to relocate
  • An alternative delivery initiative 

In some situations only specific positions are involved in a WFA, while in other cases the adjustment may involve entire work sections, functions or departments.

The primary objective of WFA is to ensure continued employment.

  • Continued employment does not necessarily mean continuation of work in the same or a similar position, or occupational group; accordingly, employees must not assume that their new job will be identical or similar to the vacated position.

If you are facing a WFA situation please review the following FAQs.

WFA for indeterminate employees Selection of Employees for Retention or Lay-Off (SERLO) WFA for term employees Alternation options for indeterminate employees


If you have any questions or require any assistance, we encourage you to contact your steward and/or Consultation Team.