AFS-2018 - Bylaw Amendment 8


Whereas elections for IT Region Presidents occurred in 2015 in the Quebec Region and in 2016 in all other regions with the exception of the NCR

and whereas the 2017 AFS AGM voted to approve regulation R6. that all IT Region Presidents will have elections in 2019, the year prior to the CS Regional Representative election

and whereas there is now a conflict between regulation R6. and regulation R6.

Therefore be it resolved that regulation R6. be amended as follows:

Regional IT specific issues will normally be dealt with through an IT representation structure. The IT representation structure will be composed of:

IT Regional Stewards at the local level

IT Regional Zone Presidents

IT Regional Presidents

CS Regional Representative

CS National Consultation Representative

The IT Regional Zone Presidents and the IT Regional President positions will normally be held by IT Stewards who are elected by IT Regional Stewards in their area of responsibility. Elections will be held in the Atlantic, Ontario and Prairie Regions in the year prior to the CS Regional Representative election. Elections will be held in the Quebec and BC/Yukon Regions in the year after the CS Regional Representative election. The term of office for each IT Regional President shall be three (3) years.