In accordance with its By-Law 8.1.2, the CP Group will hold its Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Saturday, June 7, 2025 in person and online at the Hilton Lac-Leamy in Gatineau, Quebec.

The AGM is a forum to provide direction to your CP Group Executive.

Reports from members of the Executive will be presented and business affairs will be discussed.

All members of the Group are eligible to attend and speak at AGMs but only delegates shall be entitled to move or second motions or resolutions and vote.

This notice to all CP Group Members is to seek applications from members who wish to be delegates to this year’s AGM. Delegates are chosen by the Group Executive in accordance with the Group’s By-Laws and the Institute policy.

In the selection of delegates, the Executive shall consider the following:

being a Steward;

  • the involvement of the member in union activities at the member’s workplace;
  • the Sub-Group representation;
  • the « relève ».

The number of accredited delegates will be the members of the Group Executive (13) plus one delegate per two hundred (200) members of the Group, therefore approximately 35 non-executive members are eligible to attend this year’s event.

If you are interested in being a delegate at the AGM, please complete the Google Form which must be received by Friday, March 21, 2025.

The Executive will make the final determination while respecting the geographical proportion of the membership.

In accordance with Group Bylaw 8.1.5 the proposed agenda of the General Meeting shall include:

  • Roll Call (members of the Group Executive)
  • Approval of the Agenda
  • Adoption of the Minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting
  • Business Arising from the Minutes
  • Report of the President
  • Annual Financial Report
  • Approval of Budget
  • Report of the Elections Committee
  • Bargaining update
  • New business, including By-Laws Amendment proposals'

Bylaw Amendments
Should you have any amendments to existing By-laws or would like to propose new By-Laws (resolutions), please submit them for review to the By-Law Committee Chair, Lyne Larocque at by Friday March 21, 2025, no later than 4:00 PM EST.

Should you have any questions or are having issues with the Google Form, please do not hesitate to contact me directly at

Thank you,
Jessica Cote on behalf of Andrée Doucet, CP Group President