Phoenix compensation agreement rollout to continue after federal election

With the federal election underway, the government is now in “caretaker mode” which has impacted the roll-out of our Phoenix Compensation Agreement. 

Current employees will have already received up to five days of paid leave in compensation. You can learn more about that process here

The claims process for former employees (and representatives of former employees and estates of deceased former employees) to receive compensation has been finalized. You will receive the salary equivalent of the leave days. However, this process could not be rolled out before the federal election was called and must wait until a new federal cabinet is established.

Work continues on the remaining phases of the compensation agreement and we are actively involved. The employer is creating a claims process for losses, interest and damages. It is anticipated that the process for these claims will be rolled out in two phases starting in 2020.

This new claims process will provide compensation for issues covered by many filed grievances. PIPSC has agreed to review and withdraw those grievances within 150 days of signing the compensation agreement. Because the federal election is impacting the employer’s ability to implement a large part of the agreement, PIPSC will be seeking an extension to the 150-day time frame to delay withdrawing existing grievances until the claims process is complete. The details of the compensation agreement can be found here.

We will continue to use the grievance process until the leave process has been completely rolled out.

Please read our FAQs for more information on the Phoenix Compensation Agreement.