Edmonton SH Sub-Group

Annual General Meeting (AGM) Minutes

July 04, 2024, 5:00pm

Virtual via Google Meet


  1. Meeting was called to order at 5:05 pm by Sheena McQuarrie, Secretary SH Executive
  2. Welcome and Introductions: Sheena welcomed the participants to the meeting. There were a total of 5 members in attendance.  Melissa Wood, Kathleen Gibson, Olga Bardales, Chinyere Okafor,  and Sandhya Silkstone.
  3. Approval of Agenda. Agenda to discuss reinstating SH Edmonton Sug-Group was moved by Kathleen Gibson and seconded by Olga Bardales.
  4. Adoption of the minutes. There were no minutes from previous AGMs on record with PIPSC-SH.
  5.  Business arising from the minutes: Not applicable.
  6. Report of the President: Not applicable.
  7. Annual Financial Report: Not applicable. We understand there are funds within our bank account.
  8. Update from Elections Committee/Election of Officers: Elections process was overseen by Sheen McQuarrie. A call for nominations for President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and Member at Large took place.
    1. President: Position awarded to Kathleen Gibson by acclamation.
    2. Vice-President: Position awarded to Chinyere Okafor by acclamation.
    3. Secretary: Position awarded to Olga Bardales by acclamation.
    4. Treasurer: Position awarded to Melissa Wood  by acclamation
    5. Members at Large (one): Position awarded by acclamation to Sandhya Silkstone.
  9. Round table: once reinstated, will plan for AGM in quarter 1 of 2025

10. Meeting Adjourned at 6:00 pm.

11. Next Meeting: planned for late August/ early September.