988 King Street West, Hamilton
Wednesday, June 14th, 2017
5:30 – 7:30 PM

Attendees: James Chen, Michael Greenwood, Amjad Javaid, Jidong Kang, Selcuk Kuyucak, Delin Li, Xin Pang, Kumar Sadayappan, Babak Shalchi Amirkhiz

Agenda Items - Discussion/Action

#1 Call to order - Jidong called the meeting to order at 5:45pm.

#2 Approval of the Agenda - A printed copy of meeting agenda was provided to all attendees. After discussion, Jidong and Delin seconded James’s motion to approve the agenda.

#3 Adoption of the Minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting - A printed copy of the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting was circulated among attendees. Babak seconded Delin’s motion to adopt the minutes.

#4 Business Arising from the Minutes - None.

#5 Report of the President - A printed copy of President Report was provided to all attendees. Jidong presented the President’s Report, and passed important messages (on issues of scientific integrity, family related leave, and personal day etc.) that he collected from the RE-Group Annual General Meeting and Re Sub-group President’s Meeting he attended in June 2017. Discussion and Q&A on the report were conducted.

#6 Annual Financial Report - Xin reported the annual expenses of all subgroup activities and the financial status of the Sub-group bank account. Hard copies of the Annual Financial Report 2016-17 were provided to all attendees. Discussion and Q&A on the report were conducted.

#7 Approval of Budget - Xin prepared a Proposed Budget 2017-18 and hard copies were provided to all attendees. After discussion, two event dates were amended and the budget plan was approved by all attendees (Motion: Kumar, Second: Michael).

#8 Report of the Elections Committee - Kumar and James formed the Election Committee. Three nominations (Jidong, Amjad, and Xin) were received by the Election Committee. No election was needed. The Election Committee declared Jidong, Amjad, and Xin to be members of the Executive Committee.

#9 New Business    - Discussion was conducted on the newly signed Collective Agreement.

#10 Adjournment - Meeting adjourned at 7:20 pm. Motion: Xin Second: Kumar