PSPC NCR NR sub-group Executive Meeting - DRAFT

13 April 2017, 11:45 am to 1:15 pm / PSAC Boardroom, Place du Centre, Gatineau


Adel Iskandar (AI) President

Robert Porter (RP) Vice-President

Robert Salvador (RS) Treasurer

Timothy Ma (TM) Member at large

Cameron Smith (CS) Member at large

Kostyantyn Frolov (KF) Member at large


Niraj Chandra (NC) Secretary

Kashyap Desai (KD) Member at large

Elaine DeCoursey (ED) Member at large

Joseph Wong (JW) Member at large

Lyse Blanchet (LB) Member at large


Joshua Linseman (JL)






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President’s Welcome and call to order

AI recognized that quorum was achieved and introduced JL as guest. AI inquired about the reason for absences so that they can be recorded as justified as per by-laws.  Given the voluntary nature of this committee, all concluded that we not put undue pressure regarding attendance.  Rob will set up teleconferencing to make it easier for attendance.

RP to act as secretary for meeting.


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Moved by RP, Seconded by TM. Two new items were added.  Motion approved.



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Review minutes from previous meetings

NC to work on minutes from 2 March 2017.  Minutes from 19 Jan moved by RP, seconded by RS.  AI requested that minutes be produced no more than 2 weeks after meeting.


Next Executive meetings

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Jan-Mar 2017 Newsletter

A discussion was held to add further information such as the “cash-out” of accumulated leave but it was felt this is too late and should be kept for next newsletter. Steward e-mails to be added as well. Newsletter moved by RP for approval, 2nd TM.




LMCC Updates

AI mentioned that there is increased collaboration between unions with possible merging of committees at the local level in PPB.

For info



OSH Committees Update

AI explained that JL is now the PIPSC rep for the L’Esplanade-Laurier OSH Committee. There are 4 employee and 2 employer reps on this committee.  AI explained that he is on the committee for Block III.  We believe that JW is on the PDP Ph III committee.  Discussion held about not being bogged down on OSH committee issues.

For info


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Collective Bargaining Update

No one had any new update.  All hoping that binding conciliation be done.

For info



Review Sub-Committees

The issues and activity management structure was re-introduced by RP.  The order of items was adjusted.  TM clarified his role wrt organizing AGM and LL.  Document endorsed by those present but AI asked that RP send it by e-mail to get it endorsed by those not present before it gets final approval.

Add to agenda next meeting

Next executive meeting


Phoenix issues & update

PSPC has set up an inter-departmental team to deal with problems. Fin Department responsible for pay advances and CRA for tax receipts.  PPB has identified a single contact for phoenix issues. We expressed need to get manager trained.  PIPSC is considering legal suit for unpaid dues.  We’re told that GoC will not return to RPS as this will admit failure.




Lunch & Learn (LL) Session

The ARO, Bruno Hamel, to be invited to the next LL session. AI to send list of members with work addressed to TM.  Topics could be:

  • Grieve or not to grieve;
  • What your steward can do for you;
  • Classification.


Mid June

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OAA Issues & Ryerson U

AI mentions that the OAA is addressing more and more ethical issues as firms such as BLJC are taking on a larger role.

NC to add to agenda next meeting

Next executive meeting


Pension package

KF mentioned that a colleague received a package stating that he’ll be receiving a lower rate pension.  None of the committee members heard about this.  KF to send the document around for review.

NC to add to agenda next meeting

Next executive meeting


Responding to Blackberry at 07:30

RP to investigate if employees are required to be on their BB before they report to work.

NC to add to agenda next meeting

Next executive meeting



  • E-Blast: When we need to communicate with members, we shouldn’t wait until the Newsletter is ready.  We should just send out a quick and concise e-mail.

As required


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The meeting was adjourned at 1:20 p.m. as moved by CS and 2nd KF.




Prepared by:    Robert W Porter, P Eng.

Acting Secretary NCR NR sub-group

Dated: 31 May 2017