The sub-committee, made up of union representatives from PIPSC, ACFO, Unifor and the employer, has completed the first stage of job category formation, gender predominance determination and job category evaluation. The sub-committee met for 5 days in September to complete this stage. The sub-committee, composed solely of employees (unionized and non-unionized), met in October and November to ensure that the work carried out was rigorous and objective. This revision work should be completed by early January 2025. The pay equity plan should also be approved by the pay equity committee, which brings together the employees and the employer. If all goes according to plan, the committee should be able to meet the new deadline of spring 2025, following NAV Canada’s request to the Commissioner for an extension. If the pay equity plan concludes that there are wage gaps to be corrected for female-dominated jobs, the affected jobs will receive retroactive pay as of September 4, 2024.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the PIPSC pay equity team at