Daniel Shen (President), Beverley Miranda (Vice-President), Zhidan Guan (Secretary), Liming Sun (Member at Large), Nghia Lam (Member at Large), Robert Metcalfe (Member at Large), Pierre Leger (Member at Large), Nancy Desroches (Member at Large)
Bobson Wong (Treasurer)
The President of the IT Ottawa West Subgroup, Daniel Shen, welcomed all executives and called the meeting to order at 6:35 PM.
MOTION To adopt the agenda as presented. M/S Zhidan/Daniel CARRIED.
MOTION To adopt the June 4, 2024, meeting minutes as presented. M/S Zhidan/Daniel CARRIED.
- Daniel mentioned that during the IT AGM held in Montreal last month, he asked a question about the Training Fund for IT Group. PIPSC started the Navigar project many years ago. It is a training management tool, including career planning and development functionality. He asked if PIPSC could recoup a certain amount of money from previous years. Mike responded that, from his understanding, we would not get the funds back.
- Daniel also shared the election results of the IT National Executive Campaign, encouraging executives to engage in this type of activity.
- He said our sub-group had engagements, such as the Email campaign on the RtO Survey, with over 350 responses. It's a very good number.
- Skipped
ACTION ITEM: Bobson to do cost analysis of holding meetings at 250 Tremblay.
ACTION ITEM: Bobson to send the new signature card to PIPSC Finance.
ACTION ITEM: Bobson to send required documents to PIPSC Finance to obtain the 2024 allocation.
- Executive apparel
Daniel contacted the store about the Dri-Weave Golf Shirts for the team’s approval. They did not have all the sizes, but they would give us some other samples. He will follow up later.
ACTION ITEM: Daniel will proceed with the purchase of the executive apparel.
- Paintball event
Robert: The feedback from the majority of members indicated that it was well-run. They enjoyed the game, met the executives, chatted with other members, and did good networking. They would love to play the game again.
Due to some absences, the paintball company credited us 12 entrance fees. This means that in the next session, we will have the opportunity to include 12 more people, making our team even more inclusive. We will have a total of 87 participants, with additional paintballs available forITOWSG as a result of purchasing them for this event and only one participant purchased extra. The exact number will be confirmed shortly.
Beverley: Before signing the cheque, she wanted to get a printed receipt with details for this session from the company because based on her experience with dealing with Paintball they have too much staff turnover that if we do not have it in writing the commitment is not upheld. Robert will call them to get it.
ACTION ITEM: Robert will call the Paintball company to get the receipt with the detailed spending we had for this session. In addition to the CREDIT of the paintballs that were paid for.
- Email campaign on RtO / working from home survey
Daniel said we needed to get the recipients for a random draw to win thirty gift cards. He suggested that the executives will not participate in the draw. It means that the gift cards are for members only. Daniel and Liming will analyze the data we received. They will also run a random draw in Zoom and record it. M/S: Daniel/Zhidan Carried
Other executives are also welcome to do their analysis as well.
Once the analysis has been done, we will host a Lunch and Learn event to share the statistics with our members, fostering a culture of transparency and knowledge sharing.
ACTION ITEM: Daniel and Liming will analyze the data received and perform a random draw in Zoom.
- ITOWSG membership list cleanup
This is a PIPSC HQ cleanup, and Beverley will remain in contact with Membership for further membership queries only.
ACTION ITEM: Beverley will be contacted at ITOWSG for PIPSC Head Office.
- Converting RANDs to PIPSC members
The session in RCMP will be held on July 11th. Liming, Nancy and Robert will be silent observers on site. Liming will run the similar L&L session in SSC at Fitzgerald site. Nancy and Robert will run it at DND Carling site.
ACTION ITEM: Beverley, Liming, and Nancy will hold a Lunch & Learn session at RCMP in cooperation with the Ottawa West Branch, aiming to convert RCMP Rands to PIPSC members.
- Activity road mapping
ACTION ITEM: Daniel and Beverley will work on developing a roadmap for events; must include budgets.
- Skyline sporting event for September and October
ACTION ITEM: Zhidan will work on soliciting interest for the sporting event at Skyline by way of a survey.
- T2200 tax specialist guest speaker
ACTION ITEM: -- All executives are still looking for a speaker and would likely organize the session in the coming year before tax season.
- Email access for the subgroup GD Inbox
ACTION ITEM: Robert will investigate the possibility of read-only access for the GD Inbox and edit access will be granted when needed.
● Date: August 6, 2024
● In-person venue convener: Robert, Pierre, Daniel, Beverley, Nancy, Liming, Bobson, Zhidan, Nghia
MOTION Adjournment. M/S Daniel, Liming. CARRIED. 8:00 PM
ACTION ITEM: Bobson to send the new signature card to PIPSC Finance.
ACTION ITEM: Bobson to do cost analysis of holding meetings at 250 Tremblay.
ACTION ITEM: Bobson to send required documents to PIPSC Finance to obtain the 2024 allocation.
ACTION ITEM: Robert will call the Paintball company to get the receipt with the detailed spending we had for this session.
ACTION ITEM: Daniel and Liming will analyze the data received for RTO, and perform a random draw in Zoom.
ACTION ITEM: Daniel will proceed with the purchase of the executive apparel.
ACTION ITEM: Beverley will be the contact at ITOWSG forPIPSC Head Office.
ACTION ITEM: Beverley, Liming and Nancy will hold a Lunch & Learn session at RCMP in cooperation with the Ottawa West Branch, aiming to convert RCMP Rands to PIPSC members.
ACTION ITEM: Daniel and Beverley will work on developing a roadmap for events; must include budgets.
ACTION ITEM: Zhidan will work on soliciting interest for the sporting-event at Skyline.
ACTION ITEM: Robert will investigate the possibility of read-only access for the GD Inbox and edit access will be granted when needed.
ACTION ITEM: -- All executives are still looking for a speaker and would likely organize the session in the coming year before tax season.