Hometown Sports Grill / 1525 Bank Street
Present: Randy Oomen, Brian Murray, Cheryl Jennings, Steve Anderson, Fred Curson, Hannah Rodrigues, Yazhou Zhang, O’Neil Brooke, Antwan Hakko
Absent: Jun Shi, Amar Auluck
The President of the IT Ottawa Metro Subgroup (ITOMSG), Randy Oomen, welcomed the other Executives and called the meeting to order at 12:10 PM.
AGENDA A draft agenda was presented.
MOTION To adopt the agenda as presented. M/S Steve Anderson, Brian Murray. Carried.
Randy Oomen reminded those present that the southern boundary of Ottawa Metro extends as far as Leitrim, and that the minimum number of Executive meetings each year is 4, plus the Annual General Meeting. He is committed to moving the physical meeting locations around for variety. The first event will be at Fred Curson’s work location on January 21, 2025, in Leitrim. It will be a pizza lunch, and Pierre Touchette will be the guest speaker. He is also looking at several other workplace location events (such as IRCC and Transport) further in the future. He raised the idea of Metro buying a new banner.
Cheryl Jennings mentioned that Randy and she attended the PIPSC AGM in person (Steve Anderson attended virtually).
Brian Murray provided documents explaining our current financial situation. It was asked if this financial report is different from the one given at the Metro AGM. Answer: It is, because the cost of the Metro AGM, and some expenses incurred at the PIPSC AGM, are included. An explanation was also given as to what the difference is between the Metro Executive and the Metro Steering Committee. No minutes of Steering Committee meetings are kept. Brian also spoke on how Ottawa Metro and PIPSC Finance are related to each other. Any finance or Metro expense-related questions should be sent to Brian directly. Parking will be reimbursed for Metro Executive members attending Executive meetings and Metro events.
The following financial guideline items were voted on and passed:
Receipts Required
Receipts are always required for reimbursement of all expenses except cellphones and internet.
Executives are strongly encouraged to notify the entire Executive in advance of any events they are organizing (larger than a coffee or light meal with a member). This way you may get some help or others may be able to add to your event.
PIPSC guidelines for meals and incidental expenses should be adhered to.
Mileage/Transportation Charges
Due to the relatively small geographical area of Ottawa Metro, mileage and/or transportation charges will not be paid to attend Metro Executive meetings, except in extenuating circumstances. Mileage to and from Metro events will be paid to Executives according to the guidelines established by PIPSC.
Cell Phone and Internet
Cell phone and Internet use will be reimbursed according to the guidelines established by PIPSC.
The Metro Executive is mindful of the need to use membership dues carefully, and the cellphone and internet compensation paid out will take that into account, plus the ability of the Metro budget to sustain these expenses.
Tracking of Institute Assets
Metro assets that are in the possession of an Executive member, shall be returned to Metro at the end of their term or upon resignation.
The Constituent Body Treasurer must notify the Institute of any purchase, movement, or disposal of assets.
Submission of Metro Expenses
Expense claims should be sent electronically, and directly, to the Treasurer via bwmurray07@gmail.com.
MOTION All of the above. M/S Brian Murray, Fred Curson. Carried.
The purchase of a used laptop for the use of the secretary was approved administratively.
There was a brief conversation clarifying who can access the various Metro files.
The first Metro event will be held in Fred Curson’s workplace at DND Leitrim approximately January 21st.
MOTION To hold an event in Fred Curson’s workplace. M/S Fred Curson, Cheryl Jennings. Carried.
Brian Murray gave a comprehensive explanation of the various promotional items available for purchase. It was the consensus of those present that some purchases should be made prior to the end of the calendar year.
MOTION Brian Murray is to purchase, on behalf of Metro “utility cards” and powerbanks. M/S Brian Murray, Fred Curson. Carried.
No firm date was set, but it will likely be in the second week of January 2025. O’Neil Brooke indicated that he won’t be available from December 12, 2024, until February 5, 2025.
MOTION To adjourn, at 14:00. M/S Cheryl Jennings, Fred Curson. Carried.
- Minutes recorded by Steve Anderson, Metro Secretary