SEPTEMBER 21, 2022

10 AM - 4 PM ET







Words of welcome

  • Greg Scriver opened the meeting at 10:03am.


5 mins



  • The committee members introduced themselves and 


15 mins


Adopt minutes from June meeting

  • The committee adopted the meeting minutes


10 mins


Review of our committee goals

  • Greg presented the list of committee goals


15 mins


Discussion of Canadian and international human rights and diversity issues and events

  1. Monarchy in Canada
  2. Flooding in Pakistan
  3. New Conservative party leader
  4. Russian invasion of Ukraine
  5. Other ideas
  6. Action items

The Chair presented an overview of the different Human Rights issues happening throughout the world, and the options for possible HRDC statements.


Tanya recommended that addition of UNDRIP as a topic of concern. A 10-year implementation period is too long.


The group discussed whether the legacy of the Monarchy is a Human Rights issue. Due to the history of colonialism. The consensus was to keep this in the list due to the violent colonial history lead by the Monarchy. We could ask for an apology from King Charles about the residential schools. There are many crown-owned lands and stolen items that should be returned (i.e. “LandBack”).


LaTavia suggested that in Iran, police attacked a woman who died. There is an issue of women being controlled in Iran, and who are burning their hijabs in protest.


Jordan suggested that 300 000 conscripts and reservists will be deployed by Russia into Ukraine to pursue the invasion.


 Mary suggested that pay equity is an issue that still hasn’t been adequately addressed (https://pipsc.ca/news-issues/announcements/treasury-board-requests-multiple-pay-equity-plans-despite-union)


The group discussed the issues with the new Conservative leader, taking credit for lifting the vaccine mandates.


The cost of housing is another big issue, within Canada.


LaTavia suggested we add more environmental issues to showcase the link between environmental justice and social justice.


Forest fires are also a big issue within Canada. Many island nations are struggling and could be flooded in upcoming years. Climate change issues.


LaTavia suggested that we also bring up other areas of unrest if we discuss the Ukraine war.


We should review the UNDRIP status report to check on the status of deliverables. The action plan is to be completed by June 2023.


30 mins


Navigar introduction


PIPSC did a big survey back in 2019 which revealed that members want more support from the union to get promotion and career progression.


4 interrelated problem in Canada

  1. Technology & automation are fundamentally reshaping the workplace of the future.
  2. Canada’s workforce needs to keep pace with rapid technology change.
  3. The workforce needs to acquire new skills sets for them, and the employer, to adapt successfully.
  4. Most labour initiatives and organizations have not addressed these challenges in meaningful ways.

Skills are the new currency in the future of work. Ex:  auditing, finance, design thinking, problem solving, creativity, communications…


15 mins


APTN report

  1. Present report and share statistics
  2. Memo to board of directors and sponsorship request for 2024-26.
  3. 2023 partnership plans in Winnipeg

Water bottles and T-shirts were distributed at the last event.


30 mins


Equity caucus recruitment and next meeting date

  1. Share the all-member email (ADD LINK)
  2. Sample agenda for first meeting
    1. Apply for 2023 caucus leadership
  3. Black caucus
    1. Select co-chairs for first meeting
    2. Next meeting date
  4. Indigenous caucus
    1. Select co-chairs for first meeting
    2. Next meeting date
  5. LGBTQ2S+ caucus
    1. Select co-chairs for first meeting
    2. Next meeting date
  6. Disability caucus
    1. Select co-chairs for first meeting
    2. Next meeting date
  7. Women’s caucus
    1. Select co-chairs for first meeting
    2. Next meeting date
  8. Workers of colour caucus
    1. Select co-chairs for first meeting
    2. First meeting date

All the caucus meetings will be held virtually, probably on weekends.

Members of the equity caucus will have 1 year term.

PIPSC email to be done for each caucus.

6 people have already applied.


45 mins


Black class-action lawsuit

  1. Background
  2. PIPSC approach
  3. PIPSC campaign goals and tactics (discussion)
  • Din requested mailing list
  • February 2023 devoted to this (Black history month)
  • Education
  • Consultation
  • Recommendations to the Board on how to improve the union
  • Interview members to hear their stories.
  • Webinar: audience; 


  1. Send an email to Black caucus email list
  2. Launch a web post about the class-action
  3. Reach out to RMG
  4. Flyer or postcard


30 mins


Scholarship for Indigenous youth

Malcolm explained what are the scholarships, the donation and who runs this project.


The Board of Directors agreed to have more equity and diversity but had a few questions that HRDC needs to answer for future discussions:

  1. Discussion
    1. Amount 
      1. ($1500/year)
    2. Number of recipients annually
      1. 3
    3. Recurring or not
      1. Re-apply every year
    4. Selection process/eligibility
      1. Self-identification as an Indigenous youth
      2. Does not matter what year of study.
    5. Fiduciary responsibility
      1. BGC or an Indigenous that give the funds
  2. Proposal to Legacy Foundation Board
    1. Create a new donation link to be able to fundraise / 


20 mins


PIPSC National AGM

  1. Overview of sessions and meetings to attend
  2. Information about resolutions debate
  3. Kiosk content
    1. Orange lapel pins
    2. Class-action lawsuit campaign info
    3. APTN flyer (handout)
  4. Kiosk volunteers (time slots set on Nov 17th meeting)
  5. MAD dash
    1. Possible giveaway


15 mins


Motion to Board of Directors to request replacement for the Québec Region representative on HRDC


Manny to ask the BoD for advices.


15 mins


Black history month (Feb)

  1. Brainstorm


45 mins


Reminder to re-apply for HRDC (committee of the board)

  1. Deadline to apply: Wednesday October 5, 2022
  2. Link


5 mins



  • Boxes to send to Montreal
  • Black history month themes
  • Carlos email list
  • Vance re: travel


15 mins


Closing and action items


5 mins


Action items:


  • Malcolm to post meeting minutes to the HRDC website
  • Malcolm to check with the President’s office about any statements on Poilievre
  • Malcolm to suggest to the social media team the statements on these issues.
  • Malcolm to seek legal team’s input about Class-action lawsuit
  • Malcolm to inform group on kiosk scheduling
  • Malcolm to draft one-pager of HRDC activities for the kiosk (giveaway)
  • Marielle to create caucus PIPSC emails distribution when we will have the full list of members.
  • Malcolm to draft a proposal for Legacy Foundation and share with the Committee.
  • Manny to seek advice from BoD for the replacement of the Quebec representative.