Executive meeting on December 8, 2022 (6th of the year)

Face-to-face meeting - Regional Office Room - Montreal

Start of the meeting: 1:00 pm



Present:    Yvon Brodeur, Denis Caissy, Renaud Guiard, Nancy Lavoie, Steve Malenfant (via Zoom), Réjean Michaud, Pierre Potvin, Antoine Racine (via Zoom), Karine Régimbald, Patrick Sioui and Robert Tellier.


Absent:     Jean Couillard


  1. Welcoming Remarks:

Pierre welcomed everyone and chaired the meeting.      


  1. Reading and approval of the agenda:

An item was added to the agenda.

Robert moved to approve and Renaud seconded.

The agenda was adopted unanimously; the varia remained open.


  1. Approval of Minutes of November 4, 2022:

Patrick moved to approve the minutes and Nancy seconded.

The minutes of November 4, 2022 were approved unanimously.


  1. Follow-up to the November 4, 2022, minutes:

Item #7(a): Autonomy of the Region in its communications with the media:

Pierre continues his work with the regional directors and the Board of Directors.

He added that there are still changes to come in the national communications team at the Institute.


Item #13: Invitation to Chapter Chairs and Committee Representatives to target candidates for the 2023 FTQ Convention:

Pierre informed us of the 14 candidates already selected to participate in the Convention. Invitations will be extended very soon to bring at least 4 more members from the Region.


Item #15(b): Membership in a subgroup or branch:

Currently, the employee’s place of work, as decided by the employer, prevails. According to Pierre, discussions are still taking place at the Board of Directors on this subject in order to make changes.


  1. National AGM Follow-up:

A round table discussion was held among those who attended the National AGM on November 18 and 19. Much was expressed at the level of the chair, the parliamentarian, the Bylaws and Policies Committee, and the sergeants-at-arms. The members present felt that the Quebec Region had been scorned. Renaud has requested the verbatim from the AGM organizing committee and will write an email to the appropriate person requesting redress for the harm done. Secondly, a motion of censure will be prepared by the executive and we will ask the Regional Council to endorse it. In an effort to find a suitable person to chair the national AGM, we may suggest that training be offered to people who would be interested in filling the role.                        (follow-up: Renaud)


  1. Hotel portfolio:

Nancy referred to an email sent by Pierre about the role of the person in charge of the hotel portfolio. Clarification was requested on the division of tasks between that person and the regional office administrative staff. It was agreed that this person has directions to give, but does not have to do everything.

Secondly, Nancy made the following motion, seconded by Denis: 

It is proposed that benefits such as Bonvoy points or Honors points related to signing contracts will be distributed as follows:

- Benefits from contracts related to training schools and core delegates will be assigned to the person in charge of the hotel portfolio as well as the training case manager in equal shares.

- Contract benefits related to the Steward Council or the Regional Council will be allocated to the officer in charge of hotels as well as the director in equal shares.

- Contract benefits related to any other event will be assigned to the officer in charge of hotels and the director.

A lively debate ensued, with everyone sharing their arguments in support of or against the motion presented. Following this debate, Robert made an amendment to the original motion, seconded by Karine:

Amendment: That the points are assigned to the officer in charge of hotels who then decides to share them with the employees, if required.

A few comments were made on the amendment, and we moved to a vote:

-6 people supported the amendment;

-4 people were against;

-1 person abstained.

The amendment is passed by a majority.

Subsequently, we will vote on the motion, as amended:

-6 people supported the motion;

-4 people were against;

-1 person abstained.

Amended motion carried by a majority vote.


  1. Committee updates:

a) Communications:

Nothing to report from Denis.

b) Workplace violence:

Nancy informed us that she attended a meeting with her committee members on November 23 in Trois-Rivières. They reviewed the new process for resolving a harassment complaint.

A PowerPoint presentation will be prepared for this purpose.

c) Status of women:

Nothing to report from Karine.

d) Human rights and diversity:

Steve told us that there will be a meeting next Thursday in Montreal with people from the FTQ regarding systemic racism.

e) Youth:

Renaud, as the new liaison between the executive and the committee, told us that he has received a request to see if a union release can be obtained for the chair of the youth committee.

A closed session was requested for discussion of this item.

Conclusion: the chairperson may request ad hoc union leave to hold meetings, but may not be granted full-time leave.

f) Training:

Regarding the February 2023 training school, Karine says that registrations are going well and that only one trainer remains to be found.

With respect to the national training of trainers held in Montreal last month, the results obtained from potential trainers did not meet the desired expectations. In this regard, the Board expressed its dissatisfaction with the TEC for the results obtained, where few people have demonstrated their qualities as trainers.

Karine has reservations (doubts) about the willingness of some regional directors and national training officers to support the peer training concept.

We support Karine in her efforts to continue her work with the Board of Directors.

g) Political Action and Engagement:

Nothing to report from Denis.



  1. Finance:

Patrick gave us a brief financial report for the year 2022 and informed us that the Region’s finances are doing very well.

Pierre informed us that he has not yet received the budget allocated to us in 2023, from the FTQ, on the national budget allocated to the CLC.

It was moved by Denis Caissy, seconded by Robert Tellier, that the Executive proceed with the purchase of an event tent as soon as possible, for a maximum amount of $2500 before taxes.

Carried unanimously.

(Editor’s note: this motion was passed post-meeting on December 9, 2022)

  1.  National Committees:

Pierre informed us of the nominations received in the Quebec Region to sit on the national committees.

We recommend the following candidates:

- Josée Girard (Elections);

- Johanne Potvin (Finance) and;

- Binana Madikama (Human Rights and Diversity).

No recommendations were made for the other committees as we are not aware of any of the candidates running.

To this end, we ask that next year, Pierre send us the list of candidates, before our executive meeting, in order to find out what are their qualifications to sit on the desired committees.


10. Task Force on Official Languages (TFOL):

Due to lack of time, Yvon was not able to share with us the latest information about the TFOL.


11. 2023 FTQ Convention:

Item covered in item #4 (follow-up to November 4, 2022, minutes - item #13)  


12. 2023 / 2024 Schedule Changes:

Nancy will be sending out final changes or clarifications on the dates and locations of our planned activities in 2023 and 2024 within the next week.


13. Varia:

a) 2023 AGM - Training:

Partially addressed in item #5.


14. Roundtable:

a) We learned that this should be the last meeting Antoine will attend as a member of the executive.

We wish him the best of luck in his new projects.


 15. Date of next meeting:

The date of the next meeting of the executive has not been officially determined.

Pierre will get back to us on this.                               (follow-up: Pierre)


 16. Closing remarks and adjournment of the meeting:

Pierre thanked everyone for their participation and the meeting was adjourned.