
Montreal West Branch

Notice of the 2019 Annual General Meeting

Location: Salle des vent of the Canadian Meteorological Center

Address: 2121, Transcanada Highway, Dorval H9P 1J3

Date & Time: May 28th 2019, 5:00 pm

You are cordially invited to attend the annual general meeting (AGM) of Montreal West Branch. At this meeting, we will discuss several topics, such as the next bargaining round, Phoenix and mobilization strategies with our guests (to be confirmed).

We will also have our usual AMG topics such as election of members of the executive, branch financial documents and bylaw modification.

The AGM will be preceded by a reception of members followed by a meal. Please confirm your attendance by May 19th, 2019 by using this form, or by email to Guillaume Marcotte (

We recommend that you register as soon as possible. We hope to see you there.

Please find attached the agenda you will find the notice of election. Branch bylaws are available on PIPSC website.

Hugo Landry


2019 Annual General Meeting Montreal West Branch

1. Opening of the AGM

2. Adoption of the agenda

3. Adoption of 2018’s AGM minutes and follow ups

4. Presentation of the Executive members and guests

5. Modification of bylaws (if any)

6. Finances

6.1. 2018 financial report

6.2. 2019 proposed budget

7. Election

8. Varia

9. Adjournment


To all members of the Montreal West branch of the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada.

The positions of vice-president, secretary, four (4) members at large (2 years), and 1 member at large (1 year) are due for renewal at the assembly by election. All positions are for a 2-year mandate maximum. You are invited to put forward your candidacy or that of a colleague now by writing to Hugo Landry (, or on the floor of the annual general meeting.

To be eligible for a position, candidates must be regular members or retired members of the Montreal West Branch.

The duties of the Branch Executive, including those items listed above, are listed in Article 6.8 of the bylaws:

If a vote is necessary, a secret ballot will be conducted at the AGM.

Election committee