May 19, 2020


Nancy McCune, Regional Director

Samah Henein, Regional Vice-Chair & Calgary Branch representative

Bobby Eiswirth, Regina Branch Representative

Cory Graham, Winnipeg and Southern Manitoba Branch Representative

Nancy Shalay, Small Branch Representative

Robert Trudeau, Saskatoon Branch Representative

Stuart Kidd, Secretary-Treasurer

Sharon Losinski, Edmonton Branch and Nazim Awan, small branch rep, were not present.

Regional and Steward Councils

In person regional and steward councils have been cancelled for 2020.  Virtual elements of these events can take place.


Regional Logo

Selection of a new Prairie & NWT logo was made from listing.



PIPSC AGM 2020 will be virtual. Registration will start on September 1, 2020 with a deadline of October 16, 2020. Technology needs to accommodate voting, resolutions, for and against speakers. Resolutions must come from BOD, Group and Regional Executives. Resolutions from Prairie & NWT region must be submitted to PRE by September 4, 2020. Resolution deadline is September 11.


In-Person Meetings

In-person meetings are cancelled until August 31, 2020.


Regional Council

Nancy M discussed the election of the treasurer and secretary which would have been done at the council. After discussions, PRE agreed to select Bobby Eiswirth to be election chair. Prairie & NWT members interested in being appointed as treasurer or secretary for a one year term will need to apply to Bobby with an expression of interest by June 30, 2020. PRE will vote for the treasurer and secretary positions in July 2020. Elections will be held at the 2021 PRC in Calgary.


Umbrellas and rocket books will be handed out to branch executive members. Nancy M will prepare a listing of such members to determine if 110 umbrellas, rocket books and pens will be enough for branch executives, staff, director and treasurer.


Masks for Members

Discussions occurred regarding the region providing masks. Nancy M mentioned that no decision is available from PIPSC legal department regarding liability. Robert mentioned cost would exceed annual region allotment.