To: Steward Applicant

From: Ernie McLean, Manager, Prairie/NWT Region
Robert Trudeau, Chair, Prairie/NWT Regional Training Committee

RE: Basic Steward Training – October 3-4-5, 2019

We are pleased to advise that a Basic Steward Training session is being offered on October 3 - 5, 2019 in Winnipeg, Manitoba. The training will begin at 8:30 a.m. on Thursday October 3, 2019 and will conclude at 12:00 p.m. on Saturday, October 5, 2019. The course will be held at the Fairmont Hotel Winnipeg. Accommodations will be provided also at the Fairmont Hotel.

The training session will focus on developing the basic skills and knowledge you need to fulfill your role as a steward. Topics will include an overview of the PIPSC organization, the role of the steward, and the legal framework for labour relations and tools for understanding collective agreements, participating in consultation and providing grievance representation.

We strongly encourage you to register for this training as you cannot be appointed as a steward, nor can you function as a steward, until after you have completed the Basic Steward Training course. It is a necessary prerequisite to the assumption of your union responsibilities and is designed to foster a better understanding and enhancement of your skills in that role.

All course materials will be provided at the session. However, please bring a copy of your collective agreement.

Please complete the online registration by August 19, 2019.

Please be advised that travel arrangements can be made once you have received your confirmation email by contacting BCD Travel at 1-866-768-7624. Hotel reservations will be made in your name by the Prairie/NWT office as per the selected nights on your registration form.

  • Local stewards may stay overnight with a check-in date of Thursday, October 3, 2019 with a check-out date of Saturday, October 5, 2019.
  • Out-of-town stewards will check-in on Wednesday, October 2, 2019 and check out on Saturday, October 5, 2019.

Keep in mind when registering that it is expected that all participants attend this course in its entirety. It is recommended that you register early.

If you have any questions regarding this Basic Training and the registration process, please contact Darya Omelchenko at (204) 942-1304 or 1.800.665-0094, extension 3320 or

We look forward to meeting and working with you.


Ernie McLean
Prairie/NWT Region

Robert Trudeau
Chair, Prairie/NWT Region
Training Committee



October 3 - 5, 2019

Fairmont Hotel, 2 Lombard Place, Winnipeg, Manitoba


Stewards can claim the lesser of the actual kilometres driven or the rate of $700.00,* which is based on Air Canada Flight Passes and ground transportation.

Compensatory salary and meal expenses will be reimbursed based on travel by plane.

*This is based on the PIPSC Travel Policy Schedule A, effective April 1, 2019.

Any car rental requests require pre-approval.

Once you have been confirmed by e-mail and you require air travel arrangements only, please call BCD Travel in Ottawa at 1.866.768.7624 or by e-mail at to reserve your flights. You will be asked for your Aeroplan number if you are booking on an Air Canada flight.

If you have any questions about the PIPSC Travel Policy, please inquire prior to travelling.

Additional costs due to driving (rather than flying), such as meals, time missed from work and accommodation incurred during transit, will be at the responsibility of the traveller. Refer to the PIPSC Travel Policy available on our website at: for further information.


The meeting and hotel coordinates are:

Fairmont Winnipeg
2 Lombard Place
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 0Y3
Phone: (204) 957-1350

It is expected that the majority of participants will be able to travel on Wednesday in order to get to the training.

Participants from outside the Winnipeg area are entitled to accommodation on Wednesday evening, upon request.

Participants who reside outside of the Winnipeg area, or those who reside outside a 16 km radius, but within a normal commute from downtown Winnipeg, will be provided accommodation for Thursday and Friday evening, upon request.

Local participants within a 16 km radius from the hotel will be provided accommodation for Thursday and Friday night, upon request.

Those participants who cannot arrive home by 8:00 p.m. on Saturday night travelling by the most direct route, including a one hour meal stop, are entitled to accommodation upon request. Reminder – Training will be completed by 12:00 pm on Saturday, October 5, 2019.

The Prairie/NWT office will be solely responsible for booking your room nights at the hotel, which will occur once you receive the confirmation e-mail. The room rate is based on single or double occupancy. If you wish to bring your spouse and/or child/children, please inform us on your registration form.

The cost of the hotel will be paid by the Institute through a master account. All incidental expenses are to be paid by the member. Rooms will be guaranteed to the Institute for late arrival. Please be aware that PIPSC will be charged in full for any rooms cancelled after September 2, 2019, regardless of whether or not they are used. We ask that you be mindful of this fact when completing your registration form, as we have had to pay for rooms after individuals decide to leave early. Should you have to cancel the hotel guest room at the last moment, please contact the hotel directly 48 hours prior to your arrival date to cancel your booking. For your registration cancelation, notify Darya Omelchenko, Administrative Assistant at 204-942-1304 or 1-800-665-0094 extension 3320 or

Proof of cancellation must include the cancellation number and the name of the hotel agent that accepted your call. Failure to do so may result in “no show” billing from the hotel. The institute may wish to pay the charges in order to maintain good relations with the hotel. In that case, the cost will be recovered from the member. Any extra services charged to the room are to be paid by the member.


Parking will be provided at the hotel. Please note this amount will be charged to your bill upon check-out and can be submitted with your expense claim to the Institute. PIPSC will reimburse parking for one vehicle only. If you do not have a hotel reservation and require parking, please note that payment will be required upon arrival at the hotel. You will be able to submit this expenditure with your expense claim to the Institute.


Breakfast and lunch will be provided on Thursday and Friday. Breakfast only will be provided on Saturday.

Note: Meal allowances will not be paid for breakfast and lunch on Thursday and Friday, and for breakfast on Saturday morning.


Institute policy allows for compensating participants who use vacation, compensatory leave or leave without pay for attendance at training sessions. Compensation is also allowed when such leave is required to travel to the course. The participant must provide a completed employer's leave form authorizing the leave and complete a PIPSC Compensatory Salary Claim Form available on the PIPSC website.

Salary compensation will be provided for up to two (2) days on Thursday and Friday, including reasonable travel time, except in the case of shift workers who will be reimbursed for appropriate shifts due to their attendance at the training. Reasonable travel time is defined as the amount of time that it takes to get from your home or work to the training location by the most direct route with no stops.


Dependent, child or other care expenses, will be paid by the Institute where receipts are provided and in accordance with PIPSC policy.
If, for any reason, you expect to deviate from the guidelines set out in this document, you must notify us in advance.


Please do not hesitate to contact Prashila Chand, Office Administrator, Prairie/NWT Regional Office by phone at 780 428-1347 or 1.800.661-3939, extension 3421 or should you require further information regarding this training activity.