Ontario Region Strategic Planning Meeting Minutes - June 28, 2024

Sherwood Inn, Port Carling, ON

Present:         J. Purdie, C. L’Estrange, T. Yantsis, B. Brawley, T. MacDonald, S. Labbé, M. Chan, H. Timla, T. Zaharopoulos, D. Kamaldin, R. Kaura

Regrets:         None

Meeting called to order at 9:25 am

  1. Opening Remarks

Director acknowledged land that we met on and welcomed ORE. Welcomed Harry. Introduction to ORE, main highlights.

  1. Review of Planning Document

Review of planning document & objective - discussion about locations for OSC 2026, 2027 & 2028. Finance Department mentions essential spending for budget considerations. Updated and revised sections and items placed important months for completion of items.         

  1. Appointment of portfolios
    1. Treasurer – Tom Yantsis
    2. Secretary – Sabrina Labbé
    3. Vice-Chair – Din Kamaldin
    4. Steward Council Chair – Bridget Brawley
      1. Vice-Chair – Chris L’Estrange
    5. Regional Council Chair – Tom Zaharopoulos
      1. Vice-Chair – Harry Timla
    6. Committees                                                                                                                                                                                                         
      1. Training Chair – Bridget Brawley
        1. Training Committee Members – Sabrina Labbé, Chris L’Estrange, Mandy Chan, Rachit Kaura
      2. By-Law & Policy – Mandy Chan & Sabrina Labbé
      3. Visibility Mobilization Events – Mandy Chan, Sabrina Labbé & Harry Timla
    7. Liaison / Representative
      1. Young Professionals – Rachit Kaura
      2. Hospitality Coordinator - Sabrina Labbé
      3. Social Media Liaison – Harry Timla
      4. Ontario Provincial Group – Tina MacDonald
      5. Legacy Foundation – Chris L’Estrange
      6. Branch Liaison – Tina MacDonald
  1. Signing Authorities – add Harry Timla

Action: Tom Y to add Harry Timla as signatory.

  1. Round Table

Din – welcome to everyone and happy that we have started on a good note, continue with our     spirit and harmony

Mandy – nothing to add

Sabrina  – happy with today, nothing else to add

Tina – nothing to add

Bridget – happy about today

Harry – appreciative of everyone’s support, excited to join such a good group

Chris – welcomes Harry and thanks him for joining

Tom Y – promo items for OSC, holding shirts & clothing orders, placing order Tuesday

Tom Z – nothing

Meeting adjourned at 5:12 pm