Ontario Region Strategic Planning Meeting - June 3, 2022 - Rocky Crest
Present: J. Purdie, C. L’Estrange, J. Chow, T. Yantsis, A. Stone, P. Tsuji, D. Kamaldin, R. Kaura, T, Zaharapoulos, B. Brawley
Regrets: None
The meeting was called to order at 9:05 a.m.
1. Opening remarks
Director acknowledged land usage and introduced the new ORE members. The main purpose of this meeting was to create and update the Strategic Plan for the Ontario Regional Executive. Normal business to resume at tomorrow’s meeting.
2. Disclosure of pecuniary interests
No disclosures of pecuniary interests.
3. Approval of the Agenda
MOTION to approve the Agenda.
Moved: Anthony Stone
Seconded: Din Kamaldin Carried
4. Review of Planning Document
The Planning document was updated during the meeting by the ORE and Google Drive Co-ordinator and the detailed Ontario Region Strategic Plan can be located on the Google Drive.
The Director has the Ontario Region seat hoodies for the delegation of 44 Ontario Region delegates for the PIPSC AGM. Discussion whether we may need to book a big room to hold the delegate meeting to discuss resolutions. The decision on whether to have a Caucus and whether to host a Hospitality Room will be an overall ORE decision.
Discussion about whether we could build a case for another ERO.
2023 ORC – Fern Resort
The ORE is looking at having a three year contract to get a better deal. The 2024 and 2025 meetings are on the Agenda for tomorrow. The ORC has never been back to back at the same location.
ORC Chair to get quotes for 3 places with Heather by September.
Action: L’Estrange
ORC Feedback
Discussion to incorporate feedback from previous Regional Councils and provide member feedback to the entire ORE. The ORC Chair has discretion for certain topic areas but needs overall approval for certain decisions. The previous Succession plans for the Chair used to be the Chair and VC could not be from the same election year but flexibility has been exercised.
Resolution Procedures
The submission of the Resolutions is the responsibility of both the Director and the Secretary.
Steward Council
The 2022 and 2023 OSC are booked for White Oaks. There has not been any negative feedback on White Oaks in the past. The pricing is usually for a three year package. The Chair of OSC discussed potential succession plan for the Chair position.
Delegates List
There were detailed steps on how to choose the delegates in the Strategic Plan. The potential Ontario delegates will need to be submitted by the local presidents to the Branch Liaison. The overall lead to co-ordinate the delegates list is the Branch Liaison and the list needs to be submitted to PIPSC sometime in June.
The Training courses try to be based on perceived weaknesses of the Stewards but it takes time to develop a course. There is a shallow pool of courses since they have to be developed in consultation between the Training committee and the ERO’s.
5. Appointment of portfolios - Acclamation
ORE Chair: J. Purdie
ORE Vice-Chair: D. Kamaldin
Treasury: T. Yantsis
Secretary: P. Tsuji
OSC Chair: T. Zaharopoulos
Training Committee Chair: T. Zaharopoulos
Appointment of committees – Acclamation
Training: T. Zaharopoulos, B. Brawley, R. Kaura
Bylaw and Policy: J. Purdie, B. Brawley, T. Yantsis
Visibility Mobilization Events: D. Kamaldin, J. Chow
Appointment of Liaison/Representative – Acclamation
OSC Vice-Chair: R. Kaura
ORC Vice-Chair: A. Stone
Branch Liaison: J. Chow
Hospitality Co-ordinator: A. Stone
Young Professionals Liaison: R. Kaura
Google Drive Co-ordinator: B. Brawley
Social Media Liaison: Vacant (moved to June 4th meeting)
Ontario Provincial Group: B. Brawley
Legacy Foundation: C. L’Estrange
Newsletter Editor: J. Chow
Election needed to decide the position of Chair of the ORC
ORC Chair: C. L’Estrange
6. Signing authorities
The signing authorities remained the same from the previous year:
John Purdie (ORE Chair)
Din Kamaldin (ORE Vice-Chair)
Tom Yantsis (Treasurer)
Paul Tsuji (Secretary)
Tom Zaharapoulos (Training Chair)
7. Round table
No items
8. Next Meeting
June 4, 2022, Rocky Crest