Ontario Region Executive  Minutes - August 17, 2024

Hilton Garden Inn Sudbury, ON

Present: J. Purdie, B. Brawley, T. MacDonald, S. Labbé, D. Kamaldin, H. Timla

Regrets: C. L’Estrange, T. Yantsis, T. Zaharopoulos, R. Kaura

Meeting called to Order at 9:11 am

  1. Opening Remarks 

Director acknowledged land that we met on and welcomed ORE.  

  1. Approval of Agenda 

Motion to approve Agenda as presented. Consensus

  1. Approval of Minutes 

Motion to approve June 28, 2024 ORE strategic meeting minutes. Consensus

Motion to approve June 29, 2024 ORE meeting minutes. Consensus

Motion to approve Zoom June 11, 2024 virtual ORE meeting minutes. Consensus

Motion to approve Zoom August 7, 2024 virtual ORE meeting minutes. Consensus

  1. Matters Arising / Tracking Report – John 

Discussion surrounding each action item.

Action: ORE BLPC rep to follow-up with BLPC on Mandy’s update revolving around filing minutes.

  1. Planning Document - John Purdie 

Postponed till end of the meeting. Future Agenda will have this item at the end.

  1. Treasurer’s Report – Tom Y. 

Treasurer reviewed financial situation and current expenditures in his Treasurer’s report. Questions and comments answered.

Motion to approve the financials as presented by the Treasurer. Consensus

  1. Committee Reports 
      1. PRQC – Fatima Hashmi 

No new report

  1. BLPC – Mandy C. 

Report presented secretarially.

Motion: Accept the report as submitted.

Moved: Din Kamaldin

2nd: Bridget Brawley Consensus

  1. Finance – Tom Y. 

Finance will be meeting Sept 9 & 10. Once a year they get a 2-day meeting. Purpose is to submit a budget with recommendations to the Board. Member appeals are being dealt with in the Finance Committee. Finance Committee performs reviews of hospitality expenses and Constituent Body funds. Better Together policy is “approved in principle” but this has led to delays in approvals as it is not finalized. 

Motion: Accept the report as submitted.

Moved: Din Kamaldin

2nd: Tina MacDonald Consensus

  1. HRDC – Sabrina Labbé 

Next meeting is August 24th, 2024, in Ottawa. Will bring to HRDC Pride Month Participation and organization improvement. Review website information is lacking. Discussion about missed Human Rights events, not only at National level but at the regional and local levels. 

Action: Sabrina to share with HRDC the ORE concerns about missed recent Human Rights and Diversity events and to bring back to ORE. 

Motion: Accept the report as submitted.

Moved: Tina MacDonald

2nd: Din Kamaldin Consensus

  1. ITSP – Dora Scarling 

No new report

  1. SAC – Tina M. 

Most recent meeting was held in August. Women in Science was discussed. SAC survey results discussed. Canada has one of the lowest amounts of federal funding for scientific research. SAC is looking to have a booth to highlight Board of Director Committees. Promotion on the work behind these committees should be proclaimed. Next meeting is in September.

Action: John Purdie to inform the Board of Director that the board committee websites be up to date, to include relevant information (terms of reference, updated members, etc.).

Motion: Accept the report as submitted.

Moved: Bridget Brawley

2nd: Tina MacDonald Consensus

  1. National Training – Bridget B. 

Met August 9 & 10th.1st day went through Member facilitation candidates. 21 candidates (4 per region + 1 from QC). PIPSC staff & Chairs reviewed candidates where all identification was removed. Regional chairs did not review their own region candidates. 289 applications submitted. They will be trained Sept 16-20 in Ottawa. 2nd day discussed communications issues. TEAM must be informed when training is needed. Budget was updated. Feedback form will be a QR code, anonymous forms sent directly to Education. Courses are under construction. Next meeting is October 7th. 

Ontario facilitators selected: Tiana Gale, Bevin Stevenson, Andrew Billiard, Sebrina Wright (to be confirmed).

What type of training is provided to the Board, for the Board? Not part of TEAM, this request would be directed to Education.

Motion: Accept the report as submitted.

Moved: Sabrina Labbé

2nd: Tina MacDonald Consensus

  1.  Election – Tim Azab 

No report

  1. Election Appeals – Patrick Mudenyo

No new report

  1. ORE COMMITTEES / Liaison 
    1. Training Committee – Bridget 

Committee was created in June: Chris, Sabrina, Rachit, Mandy. We have lost Mandy. Appreciation for her contributions during her term. Committee met yesterday (John & Sabrina) we are not recommending backfill. Next June, we can decide who will be on the Committee. Meetings were discussed and it was decided that we will continue to hold meetings in conjunction with the Regional and Steward councils. The third meeting will be held at the next meeting after Retreat. Discussion around different updates: budget, Basic Steward training, Labour Schools and Stand-alone training. Sabrina has updated the ORE Google Calendar. Report in our shared drive.

Motion: Accept the report as submitted.

Moved: Sabrina Labbé

2nd: Harry Timla Consensus

  1. Bylaw & Policy – Sabrina

Document reviewed and updates shared.

Action: John Purdie to bring the resolution moved at the April 2024 ORC to BLPC for recommendation and sent to the Board.

Motion: Accept the report as submitted.

Moved: Sabrina Labbé

2nd: Harry Timla Consensus

  1. Visibility Mobilization – Sabrina

Labour day parade update. Regional budget line update. Concur now has a Labour Day selection in the drop-down menu. In the comments, add director approval obtained. Discussion around expenses that can be claimed by volunteers such as: gas receipts, parking receipts, hotel receipt. Discussion on how to claim using the various funding sources. Approved budget shared with the group. 

Motion: If not covered otherwise, that the ORE reimburse for volunteers: 1 night of accommodation, 2 gas claims and 2 parking claims, all supported by receipts. 

Moved: Sabrina Labbé

2nd: Bridget Brawley Passed

Discussed Ontario Steward Council ice breaker game. Sabrina will email Heather game needs. 

Harry represented ORE’s Visibility Mobilization Events (VME) Committee in the Toronto Pride Parade on June 30, 2024, by marching in the parade. PIPSC Members marched with members from the Public Service Alliance of Canada. Pride-themed PIPSC memorabilia (Ex. flags, signs, scarves, etc.,) were displayed during the parade to promote PIPSC solidarity with 2SLGBTQI+ community. Photos of the parade were posted on social media.

Discussion on potential events and participation that OR should mobilize:

  • Emancipation Day (August 1st)

Action: Sabrina to share with HRDC that the ORE will be organizing and participating in more of these events on a regional basis.

  • Pride Month (June)
  • Black History Month (February)
  • Truth and Reconciliation (September 30th)
  • Disabilities

Member mobilization can have access to funds. It is recommended that we join forces with PSAC and other unions. Attempt to bring BoD members to attend some of these as visibility. 

Discussion on allowing VME members to add a meeting to an existing ORE meeting to allow for strategic planning to occur. Prepare a briefing note for the Executive with full budgetary disclosure.

Motion: Accept the report as submitted.

Moved: Sabrina Labbé

2nd: Tina MacDonald Consensus

Discussion about HRDC message about the Jewish National Fund. Budget is approved $XXX,XXX civil society partnerships. Board can donate money to causes.

  1. Ontario Provincial Group – Tina 

Delayed negotiations. Shortage of staff. Provincial presidents are having meetings with CEOs and high-level management. Shortage of staff leading cause of turnover, low morale. Executives are more active, pushback from management. ERO support and involved. Many accomplishments. Resolution sponsored by AC & SEG for Executive member formula. PIPSC announced a job description and classification grievance win. Has access to wages to be able to better compare. Report in our shared drive.

Motion: Accept the report as submitted.

Moved: Harry Timla

2nd: Bridget Brawley Consensus

  1. Young Professionals – Rachit 

No report

Action: John to follow-up with Heather with regards to YPN event August 24, 2024. Participants have not received confirmation.

  1. Branch Liaison – Tina 

Report in our shared drive.

Motion: Accept the report as submitted.

Moved: Sabrina Labbé

2nd: Bridget Brawley Consensus

  1. Legacy Foundation – Chris 

No report

  1. Regional Council – Harry

Discussion on the 2026 Regional Council. Budget request for 2024-2025 ORC submitted. Discussion surrounding 4 ORC location quotes.

Motion: Recommend that the 2026 ORC be held at the JW Marriott.

Moved: Sabrina Labbé

2nd: Bridget Brawley Passed

Presented potential guest speakers. Discussion relating to guest speakers. 

Motion: Accept the report as submitted.

Moved: Sabrina Labbé

2nd: Din Kamaldin Consensus

  1. Steward Council – Bridget 

Will be held at White Oaks on Sept 13 & 14, Training Committee will be held Sept 12, 9 am and ORE Sept 12 & 13, 1 pm to noon. Ice breaker game to be developed. Presented some adjustments made to the Agenda. Discussion around the Finance Director Tommy Barron coming in to present member dues increase. This presentation will be done at all upcoming Steward Councils (3).

Motion: Approve the OSC agenda as presented by OSC Chair.

Moved: Sabrina Labbé

2nd: Tina MacDonald Consensus

Motion: Accept the Report as submitted.

Moved: Tina MacDonald

2nd: Din Kamaldin Consensus

  1.  Director’s Report – John 

Not many branch AGMs during the Summer. Directors’ meeting was held. BT discussion, it was proposed to remove Regional Directors as approvers. Directors disagreed Upcoming work, finance is up and running, budget is being prepped for delivery in September. Funds are being channeled to the right bodies. 

Motion: Accept the report as submitted.

Moved: Bridget Brawley

2nd: Harry Timla Consensus

Motion: to go in camera

Motion: to come out of camera

  1.  New Business 
    1. Backfill vacated Ontario Region Executive position

CRA excluded Mandy Chan. She is no longer a member.

Motion: to backfill the Executive member position

Moved: Bridget Brawley

2nd: Tina MacDonald Passed

Procedural discussion for backfilling the position. Transparency in our procedures is very important and we will consider the resolution and the will of the ORC in our recommendations. 

Motion: postpone the decision on backfilling the position be delayed until BLPC returns with an answer.

Moved: Sabrina Labbé

2nd: Din Kamaldin Withdrawn

Motion: to appoint the 6th candidate on the election list to backfill the ORE member.

Moved: Bridget Brawley

2nd: Tina MacDonald Passed

Instruction to the motion: John Purdie will notify the candidate, subject to the review by the BLPC.

Action: John Purdie will notify the candidate.

  1. Steward of the Year

Harry Timla has declared a conflict of interest.

Motion: to go in camera

Motion: to come out of camera

Motion: That ORE select Rajan Tharmarajah to receive the Steward of the Year award.

Moved: Bridget Brawley

2nd: Sabrina Labbé Passed

  1. Glen Maxwell Award

Motion: That ORE select Yvonne Snaddon to receive the Glen Maxwell award.

Moved: Bridget Brawley

2nd: Sabrina Labbé Passed

  1. Sudbury Meet & Greet feedback loop - Sabrina

Positive feedback. Sends a message that ORE is there to meet the membership wherever members are. 


Delegate seat was added to the 3rd Young Professional member. We are holding onto a seat that will go to the newest member of the ORE. Timelines and deadlines for registration were discussed. The link on the 105th AGM notice for delegate count is incorrect. The Ontario Caucus is Thursday night prior to the financial forum. 

  1. PIPSC Budget

Budget will be discussed at OSC. BoD will recommend an increase of $17.50. AC will recommend an increase subject to CPI, not to exceed 3%. Tommy thinks we can cut the deficit down by more than half. If accomplished, some costs carry forward, such as salaries. 

  1. Emancipation Day

Will be part of mobilization moving forward. 

  1. Hospitality Coordinator

Honest mistake, we do not have a need for the role. It will be removed from the roles 

  1. Email response on Communication

Discussion on steps to take. Respond back, express disappointment, request for an explanation and ask for how to prevent it. Email the Executive Secretary and Executive Director.

Action: Secretary to draft an email to be reviewed by the ORE and then to be sent to Tania Lafrenière to address our concerns.

  1.  Round Table 

Sabrina - update to contact card (bylaw changes, executive member, mobilization) will be sent to Heather after new member is confirmed.

Bridget - no further comments

Din - we train stewards. Need to find a way to support our stewards, to ensure that our stewards are protected. It is a widespread issue that management utilizes retaliation to discourage member participation.

Harry - no further comments

Tina - no further comments

John - confirmation that December meeting is set. PIPSC will be working on a green RTO shirt that will be available for purchase. A press release going out on RTO. Suggestions on what can be vocalized to the Branch Presidents.  

Meeting adjourned at 6:40 pm