Ontario Region Executive Minutes - April 11, 2024
Westin Trillium House, Blue Mountain, Collingwood, ON
Present: J. Purdie, C. L’Estrange, T. Yantsis, B. Brawley, T. MacDonald, S. Labbé, M. Chan, A. Stone, T. Zaharopoulos, D. Kamaldin
Regrets: R. Kaura
Meeting called to order at 9:22 am
- Opening remarks
Director acknowledged land that we met on and welcomed ORE.
- Approval of Agenda
Motion to approve agenda as presented. Consensus
- Approval of Minutes
Motion to approve March 23, 2024, ORE meeting minutes. Consensus
- Social Media
Discussion surrounding Din’s reputation within PIPSC. Discussion surrounding PIPSC President suspended or on leave. Sean O’Reilly will deliver President’s speech.
Motion: That the ORE draft a simple written statement explaining the purpose of the ORC is to conduct OR business, as such the current rumor circulating regarding leadership will not be entertained as discussion at this Council.
Motion withdrawn
- Matters Arising / Tracking Report – John
Discussion surrounding each action item.
- Treasurer’s Report – Tom Y.
Treasurer reviewed financial situation and current expenditures in his Treasurer’s report. Questions and comments answered.
Motion to approve the financials as presented by the Treasurer. Consensus
New Finance Director has been appointed and he is currently learning about PIPSC and current practices.
- Committee Reports
- PRQC – Fatima Hashmi
No report provided
- BLPC – Mandy C.
No new meeting. Next meeting is virtual and only 4 hours long.
- Finance – Tom Y.
No new meeting.
- HRDC – Sabrina Labbé
Virtual meeting was held April 6th. PIPSC presidential office removed the Gaza message that HRDC had petitioned, without coming to HRDC. Caucus Chairs presented their updates and discussions revolving around each reality occurred. Black Caucus was not happy with the PIPSC Legal Council response pertaining to Mr. Trinh comment at the PIPSC AGM. Eva Henshaw is Acting President while Jenn Carr is on leave. PIPSC website will have official message posted shortly
- ITSP – Dora Scarling
First meeting was held April 8, 2024, see report.
- SA – Tina M.
Continual stance on fighting climate change.
National Training – Bridget B.
Next meeting is Monday, April 15, in Ottawa. Working July 2025 to June 2026 budget. 2 basics, 2 labours, and 1 standalone (Health & Safety as example). Virtual meetings to replace in-person, is not an ideal situation for full participation of the Committee. John has prepared a late-filed resolution to revert meeting budgets back to 6 in-person. Din: issues at the AGM with budgets, so who is involved in crunching numbers? Bridget crunches numbers using a templated budget that makes the process much easier and more user-friendly. Health & Safety training: federal & provincial jurisdiction be incorporated? Yes, both are included.
- Election – Tim Azab – secretarially
- Election Appeals – Patrick Mudenyo
Committee is not operational yet, but will be formalized later this year, closer to elections.
- Training Committee – Bridget
Motion: To approve training at the Hyatt Regency in Toronto on Feb 6-8, 2025, for BST.
Moved: Bridget Brawley
2nd: Chris L’Estrange
Update on Labour School May 2025 has been booked for White Oaks. Bridget will get dates of May 2025. Oct 16-18, 2025, for BST at White Oaks. Second Labour School 2025: Kingston, Windsor and White Oaks quotes requested and are waiting on results. Health & Safety Sept/Oct 2025 will be added to budget and then quotes will be requested. Bridget is seeking our support. She has it.
Marcia brought up that getting a venue once the budget is passed at AGM, it is difficult. She is recommending that we book them as far ahead as possible.
Marcia also mentioned that long-standing relationships with venues, we can get long term perks.
Labour School in May 2024, we have well over 100 applications, we have only 50 seats. Majority of applications have never attended a Labour School, or those that have attended, have never attended the course they registered for. Executive Training course applications will be reviewed and approved by Bridget.
Stand alone session in Sept 27-28, 2024, in Kingston. PIPSC Education department is finishing a Health & Safety training course for members who sit on these types of Committees.
Action: Pursue information on Health and Safety courses, to understand who the audience is.
Suggest to bring in a couple of experienced Stewards to Advanced Labour School..
- Bylaw & Policy – Mandy
Nothing to add at this time, nothing new
- Visibility Mobilization – Mandy
Nothing to add at this time, nothing new. Labour Day Parade discussion will start around July. CNE contact is Din at this time.
- Ontario Provincial Group – Tina
See notes. Regarding OFL - Tina is catching up with the WSIB Committee. OSH in OFL is looking at heat stress and heat index. Heat Index is not representative of the demographic. 4 provincial reps will attend ORC. Continual support to provincial groups. Appeal was won for Bill 124 so provincial groups are meeting to renegotiate monies in their contract, only.
- Young Professionals – Rachit
- Branch Liaison – Tina
See notes
- Legacy Foundation – Chris
Will not hold 50/50. John is working on obtaining financials and information for Chris.
- Regional Council – Anthony
#3 is introduction for ORE. Heather wants all to be reminded that ORC is recorded. Every food & beverage, and swag gets a coloured ticket, is for delegates and invited guests only. 2 lines, A-L and M-Z, hand in delegate name tag & completed survey. 2 ORE as volunteers will contact Heather. Officially has hospitality Friday, 8-10pm. 11 doors closed. Saturday will hold informal hospitality with leftovers. 3 ORE members are serving. Branch President meeting & Treasurer Training Friday morning.
- Steward Council – Bridget
Working on the Agenda, will have draft for June meeting. Getting quotes for September 2026.
Action: Where would we like to get quotes from
Locations: Windsor Caesar, White Oaks, Hyatt Regency, Westin
Elections: Bridget is Chair, bios are permitted
Motion: Anthony nominates the Hamilton CRA Branch to receive the Hunder Cup Award.
Moved: Anthony Stone
2nd: Tom Y Consensus
So why in this branch. Has been very active and mobilization is effective.
Reviewed and discussed what should be done and how to deal with resolutions and late resolutions.
- Director’s Report – John – secretarially
- New Business
- Branch Flag
Branch got banners and at one time, a flag. The flag was not found. Better Together funding can be requested.
Motion: If Better Together funding request for a flag for Essex-Kent Branch is denied, that the ORE body refund the cost of the flag.
Moved: Tom Y
2nd: Anthony Stone Consensus
Instructions to the motion: that the flag has Ontario logo and the Essex-Kent Branch on the flag.
- Round Table
Mandy – nothing
Tom Y – where do we stand on the $X,XXX donation for t-shirts. John had submitted to EC but item was not discussed during meeting. During next EC meeting, will discuss and will look at permission for 2025 donation.
Tom Z – had to leave the meeting before the roundtable
Anthony – pass
Din – wanted to check in on the email the Executive received, party involved is currently satisfied. Reminder that Executive business remains in Executive hands.
Chris – nothing
Tina – nothing other than a quick summary on the leadership issue raised.
Bridget – no official Health & Safety course, will receive a Certificate but not a certification. Should work for any jurisdiction. Write out instructions for elections and then talk to committee afterwards
Sabrina – we’ve not spoken to Director’s Report
Meeting adjourned at 5:00 p.m.