Ontario Region Executive Meeting Minutes -   November 18, 2023

Old Toronto Mill, Toronto, ON

Present:         J. Purdie, D. Kamaldin, T. Yantsis, B. Brawley, C. L’Estrange, S. Labbé, M. Chan, R. Kaura, T. Zaharopoulos

Regrets:         A. Stone, T. MacDonald

Meeting called to order at 9:08 a.m.

  1. Opening remarks

Director acknowledged land that we meet on and welcomed ORE. 

  1. Approval of Agenda

Motion to approve agenda as presented.                                                                                        Consensus

  1. Approval of Minutes

Motion to approve September 10, 2023 special ORE meeting minutes.                                                                                                                                                                                                 Consensus

Motion to approve September 21, 2023 ORE meeting minutes.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Consensus

  1. Matters arising / tracking report – John

Discussion around each action item. Din reached out to PIPSC with regards to the steward renewal process, but this has not led to any success as of yet. John inquired and recommended reaching out to National Steward, Judith Leblanc. Tom reported on the possibility of enacting the PIPSC Recovery Cost Policy. Tom asks that an agenda item be added to this ORE meeting, Recovery Cost Policy is added to new business.

  1. Treasurer’s Report – Tom Y.

Treasurer reviewed financial situation and current expenditures in his Treasurer’s Report. Report accepted as presented.

Motion to approve the financials as presented by the Treasurer.

Moved: Sabrina Labbé

2nd” Tom Z.

  1. Committee reports
      1. PRQC – Paul T. - secretarially
      2. BLPC – Mandy C. – had a meeting last month but the board is slightly delayed as translation is overwhelmed currently. Board is reviewing the September approved bylaws. Will be translated and posted soon. John inquires on the progress of the national AFS bylaw review and approval. Has been made aware that the new national AFS bylaws are not approved, yet elections are coming up and the new bylaws will dictate these elections. They need the bylaws approved immediately. Action: Mandy to bring this to Stephanie at next week’s BLPC meeting.
      3. Finance – Tom Y. – Discussion surrounding the Board’s proposed 2024-2025 budget that will be presented at the National AGM. The Board projected budget deficit of nearly $15M. Finance committee requested that certain projects be paused and that proposed positions be revisited for necessity but the board has declined this proposal. Board made late resolution for proposed $10 dues increase. Finance committee questions how the board can make decisions when they have not seen financials since June 30, 2022. Board has decreased the frequency of financial presentations, from monthly to quarterly and now, annually.
      4. HRDC – Din K. – last few months have been very busy, last meeting was Nov 3. Webinars were held during lunchtime Nov 15 in French and English, to all Black employees. Met with Jagmeet Singh to discuss anti-scab legislation (Bill C-53). Orange shirts handed out at OSC was a success.
      5. ITSP – Rama Agarwal – no report, will look into email used to ensure that we are communicating properly.
                                                                                                                 Action: Sabrina Labbé
      6. SA – Tina M. – secretarially.
      7. National Training – Bridget B. – TEAM met on Oct 30. Bridget discusses on TEAM composition. Made up of 1 member per region + chair (Pete Joseph). TEAM gets updates from education and also, from Judith Leblanc (Steward framework).  Had a presentation from PRQC as they wanted opinion for Carleton diploma that centers around developing work and labour. Question was asked on whether this would interest our members. Next meeting is Dec 15 & 16. Discussion around Diversity & Inclusion training course, what is the plan to bring awareness. Current ERO diversity is not representative. Catalogue includes courses and would like to include these in labour school in 2024.
      8. Election – Tim Azab – no other report as there was no other meetings since last
    1. ORE COMMITTEES / Liaison
      1. Training Committee – Bridget – discussed potential of holding labour school in either July or August with Heather and logistically, it is not feasible. Proposed to hold second labour school prior to OSC. Bridget wants to check with Heather if this is feasible as budget-wise, salary replacement would counter the extra travel costs. John is concerned about member participation as some members may be required to miss too much work and there can be pushback from the employer. Doing back-to-back sessions can be hard on the member. Got quotes for November but not October. Core executive training is set to run Sept 27-28 2024 in Kingston. Positive feedback from first session of Core executive. Positive feedback from OSC.
      2. Bylaw & policy – Mandy – nothing currently
      3. Visibility Mobilization – Mandy – we want to hold a team building activity.
        Action: Discuss team building activity(ies) with ORC Chair (Anthony).
      4. Ontario Provincial Group – Tina – secretarially. Discussion around how can provincial groups get money to purchase swag. Better together, Lunch & Learn, Business case.
      5. Young Professionals – Rachit – sent committee member names and to which branch they belong. Obtained member list of members that are 40 or younger. Member engagement events will be organised with branches. Discussion on proposed outreach event to be held in conjunction with BoD March 19, 2024. Propose to hold 5 virtual meetings per year, reimburse $XX pp for virtual attendance.

Motion: To hold up to 5 virtual meetings in excess of 90 minutes with a reimbursement of $XX per member (9 members).

Moved: Rachit K.

2nd: Tom Y                                                                                                                                                     Passed

      1. Branch Liaison – Tina - secretarially
      2. Legacy Foundation – Chris – donations have been successful. Presentation during OSC is a good means to advocate for donations to Legacy Fund. Holding a fundraising event in MTL will be more difficult as the rules are vast. Ontario has other rules, Legacy is a charity so we might be able to get licensing for free. Would like to hold one at OSC and ORC. Will propose ideas to OSC and ORC chairs. Before a raffle is held, it must be authorised by this body.

Motion: that the ORE approves the Legacy chair to make all necessary arrangements to hold a 50/50 draw at the 2024 ORC to benefit the legacy foundation.

Moved: Chris L.

2nd: Bridget Brawley                                                                                                                              Amended

Motion: that the ORE approves the Legacy chair to make all necessary arrangements to obtain the OLG License to benefit the legacy foundation.

Moved: Sabrina Labbé

2nd: Tom Yantsis                                                                                                                                    Passed

Voting on amended motion                                                                                                                  Passed

Motion: that the ORE approves the Legacy chair to make all necessary arrangements (after obtaining the license) to hold a 50/50 draw at the 2024 ORC for the benefit of the legacy foundation.

Moved: Chris L’Estrange

2nd: Bridget Brawley                                                                                                                              Passed

Motion: that the ORE approves the Legacy chair to make all necessary arrangements (after obtaining the license) to hold fundraising events for the benefit of the legacy foundation.

Moved: Tom Z.

2Nd: Sabrina Labbé                                                                                                                                Withdrawn

Action: Chris L. to discuss 50/50 draw to be held at 2024 ORC, with ORC chair Anthony Stone.

Action: Chris L. to discuss fundraising ideas to be held at 2024 OSC, with OSC chair Bridget Brawley.

  1. Regional Council – Anthony – absent but all seems to be moving along.
  1. Steward Council – Bridget – positive feedback received. 4 topics – had a really hard time deciding which session to choose as the topics were interesting. Some tweaks for next OSC.
  1. Director’s Report – John - secretarially
    Ontario Caucus will be held Sunday morning, 8:30 till 10:00 am. Discussion on resolutions and our proposed positions. Discussion and confirmation around if delegate attend virtually, the person can vote as it is part of their right. Swag will be handed out by Bridget, Mandy & during the caucus.
    Motion: that Tom Y assist John with presenting during the Ontario Caucus.
    Moved: Tom Z

2nd: Sabrina Labbé                                                                                            Passed

  1. New Business
    1. Update 2024 Calendar of events – discussed and planned 2024.
      Action: Sabrina to create a google calendar in the shared drive and send email to ORE
      Action: Sabrina to send John current ORE members availability.
    2. Discuss ideas regarding the topic of mentorship
      Action: All to send email to Bridget pertaining to mentorship themes, Dec 14th, 2024.
    3. Recovery Cost Policy - ORE will receive the names and reasons why a member was not present, ORE reviews and make recommendation to recover costs or not.

Motion: that the ORE agree to instruct PIPSC finance to recover the cost as related to the policy after the recommendation of the ORE.
Moved: Tom Y

2nd: Bridget Brawley                                                                                    Passed

  1. Round Table

Rachit – trip will prevent attendance during ORC yet Rachit is up for election. Rachit to submit his candidacy along with an election video.

Tom Z – nothing

Bridget – nothing

Sabrina – nothing

Tom Y – nothing

Din – ORE has been noticed. ORE is a good group, good unity, good mobilization.

Tina – agrees with Din. Adds that Heather has shared that she is happy with us, very active, kudos given to ORE.

John – closing remarks. Thanks ORE for attendance and work done this year.

Meeting adjourned at 5:25 pm