Kingston Branch Executive Meeting #2 - 2024-06-05

Attendance: Gary Desbiens, Cindy Gagnon, Leasha Fuller, Janet Roloson, Dan St. Aubin, Jennifer van de Ven, Jess Whidden, Kelly De Torres, & Robert Hammer

Regrets: Dan Guthrie, Troy Saunders-Cartier


  • Meeting called to order at 1724 by Gary Desbiens (President).

1. Review of 2024 AGM.

    • 29 people attended; 40 people registered.
    • Survey submitted to members who attended AGM for feedback and application to future events.
      • 45/55 who responded stated they do not want to pay a small deposit that would be refunded upon attending.
      • Parking was identified as an issue at the venue.
    • Consideration of sending survey to whole branch.

2. Reviewed finances.

    • Awaiting allocation after AGM.
    • Financials are within budget.

3. Consideration of next event for PIPSC members.

  • Another member appreciation event or a steward appreciation event.
  • Discussed possibly doing a membership appreciation event in the summer in collaboration with DND and a steward appreciation event in the fall (October) and get notebooks for stewards and branch executive: Gary to follow-up.

4. Next executive meeting August 2024.

  • Meeting adjourned at 1814 hrs.