NCR - # 9 - By Law compliance

Whereas: The PIPSC Annual General Meeting is the Supreme Governing Body of PIPSC, responsible for passing By-Laws that govern the Institute; and

Whereas: There is currently no mechanism in the By-Laws to deal with non-compliance with the By-Laws; and

Whereas: Currently, complaints about non-compliance of By-Laws are handled via the DRDP process which is costly and time consuming, even if noncompliance is obvious and/or not contested; and

Whereas: PIPSC has, in-place, a standing By-Laws and Policies Committee (BLPC) vested with jurisdiction in this area;

Be it resolved that the following By-Laws be adopted as follows:

By-Law 17.2.2 (e) (new) shall investigate any complaints about nonconformance with Institute Bylaws and report their findings to the BOD, so that corrective action may be taken by the President

By-Law (i) (New) Matters of apparent non-compliance with Institute By-Laws shall be referred to the By-Laws and Policy Committee for interpretation and determination.

By-Law (ii) (New) When the By-Laws and Policy Committee makes a determination that there is non-compliance with the By-Laws, the president shall take measures to ensure immediate compliance by any and all.

By-Law (iii) (New) Continued or repeated non-compliance with / following a BLPC determination shall result in discipline subject to Bylaw 24

By-Law (iv) (New) In the case of elected officials, discipline will begin with temporary removal from office, until the matter is resolved, and could result in permanent removal from office if the matter is not or cannot be resolved.