Ottawa Centreville Branch Executive Meeting Minutes

At Tosca Restaurant O’Connor and Gloucester, Ottawa

April 25, 2017

In Attendance: Brian Hassall, Zul Nanji, Allan Laaksonen, Susan Amog-Hassall, Bryan Adderley, Abraham Garcia, Andrew Wigmore,  Michael Kenny, Michelle Tran, Jaclyn Skaff,

Regrets: Josée Stone,

Agenda Item



Call to Order

Quorum was achieved and Brian Hassall called the meeting to order at 17:02

Adoption of Agenda

Motion to approve agenda by Brian Hassall. Seconded by Zul Nanji.  Agenda approved.

Approval of previous minutes

The March 15 OCB a meeting minutes were reviewed and minor changes were made. Motion to approve by Bryan Adderley. Seconded by Abraham Garcia. The minutes were approved.

Old Business

No outstanding business from the planning meeting for March 15th meeting

No outstanding business from the prior executive meeting.


Arising from prior meeting

Planned items to be discussed in agenda.

New Business


Financial report

The treasurer Abraham Garcia had sent out the electronic books and financial statements up to the end of November to the executive. There was a brief discussion. We are in good financial standing.

 A copy of the financial statements is sent out once completed for each month transactions. It will be reviewed by the Finance Committee prior to the AGM.

Committee Reports


Bylaws - No activity.

Finance – Bryan Adderley stated that no meetings have been held since everyone has been so busy. A meeting will be held soon.

Communications – Andrew stated that he would try to write something up such as a list of events.

Susan and Committee

Susan also stated that she is considering a Steward and Volunteer Lunch at a local restaurant.

Michelle Tran

Outreach Committee – No meetings since the last meeting.

Susan and Committee

April/May Retirement sessions are planned


Regional Delegate Selection

A committee will meet to make the selection when the lists come out. Michael Kenny will book a room at the Royal Oak.

Brian and Susan


Brian and Susan will book the Sheraton for June 15.

Regional Council

Brian is organizing an AFS caucas on the Friday night for the Regional Council.

Visibility Items

There was a discussion about various visibility items. All the items need to be purchased through the PIPSC E-store until October 2017 whenever possible.

Susan & Zul

Zul will look at some more options for the next meeting or earlier.

Round Table

Michelle suggested that we do some awareness sessions on bill C27. A coffee break at the Minto was considered.

There was a discussion about the young professionals.


Motion was made by Andrew to adjourn meeting.

It was Seconded by Zul. Motion carried

Meeting adjourned at 18:55 p.m.

Next meeting

The next meeting will tentatively be May 3 at a location to be determined.