Ottawa Centreville Branch Annual General Meeting Minutes

September 20, 2023

Meeting Minutes

Date & Time: September 20, 2023, 17:00 to 20:00.

Location: O’Born Room, National Arts Centre, 1 Elgin Street, Ottawa, ON, K1P 5W1

Introduction by Michael Kenny:

The meeting commenced with an introduction by Michael Kenny, setting the tone for the proceedings.

Quorum Announcement:

Michael Kenny announced the establishment of quorum at 17:10.

Aboriginal Acknowledgment:

Michael Kenny delivered an Aboriginal acknowledgment statement, recognizing that the meeting took place on the traditional and unceded territory of the Algonquin Anishnaabeg people and also acknowledging the presence of a strong urban Inuit community.

Equity Statement:

Michael provided the PIPSC equity statement to be followed during the proceedings to ensure all members are treated equally and professionally.

Roll Call of Executives:

Michael Kenny conducted a roll call, introducing the following executives:

Michael Kenny, Brian Hassall, Abraham Garcia, Zul Nanji, Michelle Tran, Susan Amog-Hassall, April Chan, Andrew Wigmore, Art Iwinski.

Introduction of Guest Speakers:

Guest speakers, Sean O’Reilly, Vice President at PIPSC and Charlotte Strandlund, former President of the Retired Members Guild National were introduced by Michael Kenny.

Introduction of Election Committees:

Election committees: Stacy McLaren, Lynn E. Morris, and Margaret Bigras were introduced by Michael Kenny.

Moment of Silence:

Brian Hassall requested a moment of silence to honor lost members:

Terry Sing,

Ann McBride, and

Ian J. Tait.

Approval of Agenda:

A motion to approve the agenda was made by Andra Weis and seconded by Del Dickson.

Election Proceedings:

Stacy McLaren facilitated the election process, accepting five nominations from the floor. The following people were nominated from the floor: April Chen, Andra Weis, Art Iwinski, Michelle Tran, Robert Hunter. As there were exactly five candidates nominated, no voting was required.

Approval of 2022 AGM Minutes:

The minutes of the 2022 Annual General Meeting were approved.

President’s Report:

Michael Kenny provided a brief overview of events organized by OCB.

Treasurer’s Report:

Abraham Garcia presented the financial report for 2022, which was motioned to be approved by Andrew Wigmore and seconded by Art Iwinski. The motion carried.

Approval of Branch Budget:

The proposed budget for 2024, presented by Abraham Garcia, was motioned to be approved by Brian Hassall and seconded by Susan Amog-Hassall. The motion carried.

New Business:

Michael Kenny presented by-law amendments, which were approved and are to be posted on the PIPSC website.

Guest Speaker Presentations:

Sean O’Reilly discussed crucial union issues, including the return to the workplace and recent survey results. Charlotte Strandlund, former President of the Retired Members Guild National, as a second guest speaker. She addressed the healthcare plan and post-retirement living costs.

Round Table:

No comments were made during the round table discussion.

Meeting Conclusion:

Michael Kenny expressed gratitude to all attendees, concluding the meeting at 20:00. The motion to adjourn the meeting was proposed and carried.