OCB Executive Meeting Minutes, May 16, 2023
Location: Zoom Meeting
Meeting Time: 5:00 pm - 6:36 pm
In Attendance: Michael Kenny, Brian Hassall, Susan Amog-Hassall, Michelle Tran, Zul Nanji, Tom Iwinski, Andrew Wigmore, Andra Weis, Abraham Garcia, April Chen (joined at 5:35 pm, muted until 5:45)
Regrets: Art lwinski
- Brian Hassall (chairing the meeting for Michael Kenny) declared quorum and called the meeting to order at 5:06 pm. Brian then asked Andra Weis if she would take the minutes of the meeting.
- Agenda was provided in advance electronically. Abe moved that the agenda be approved and Zul seconded this motion. Motion passed with 9 in favour.
- Review and approval of previous minutes - postponed until the secretary could attend the meeting.
- Prior Business:
- Discussion regarding the upcoming AGM in September 2023. Andrew presented the draft quote from the NAC.
- Moved that the OCB hold its annual AGM on September 20, 2023 at the NAC with funds of $13,000 allocated for the event. The motion carried with all in favour.
- Motion for OCB to pay for one night’s accommodation for two executive members to attend the AGM. The motion carried with all in favour.
- New Business:
- Steward’s Appreciation Event - Andra discussed the particular’s of the event.
Motion - To hold the event on Saturday September 9, 2023 from 1 - 4 pm at Dooly’s Billiard and Events - 2279 Gladwin Crescent, Ottawa. The motion was carried with all in favour.
- Treasurer’s Report:
- Financials were submitted to PIPSC.
- We received our yearly allocation.
- OCB is in a strong financial position.
- Discussions ensued regarding the movie event (event expenses under budget) and our contribution to the PSAC strike (under budget)
Abe had to leave the meeting at this time.
- Committee Reports:
- Training - Susan - Two retirement events scheduled - July 20 and July 27.
- VP Social - Andrew - Worked on finding the venue for the AGM. The location and all particulars for the AGM should hopefully be settled in the next week.
- Outreach - Andra - Research and planning for the Steward appreciation event to have in the fall of 2023 completed - see new business.
- Susan brought up an additional event with a motivational speaker on mental health - for the late fall. Further research and discussions with PIPSC to be conducted and further discussions at the next meeting.
- In memory of Ian Tait - the committee acknowledged his long service and work - for OBS and PIPSC. Information on a future memorial/event to be passed on when known.
- Motion presented to donate $100 to the Kidney Foundation. Susan presented the motion and Zul seconded the motion. All eight members approved the motion.
10. Motion presented by Michael Kenny to reallocate the $4,000 for a summer BBQ to the NCR Branch BBQ event on July 15, 2023. Second by Andrew Wigmore. Discussions followed. All were in favour of this motion.
11. Round table:
12. Noted that for the next meeting - new business should include that an elections committee must be created.
At 6:36 pm Michelle called for the meeting to be adjourned. All in favour.