EETS 2024 Soccer Tournament

(Original submitted in English)

Participating in a sport in the workplace has been known to help boost productivity, raise morale, and promote the physical and emotional well-being of employees. Sixty participants from CE-O, OEE and OERD gathered at the Bells Corners Complex on 1 Haanel Drive from 9am to 4pm on September 11th, 2024, for the third annual EETS Soccer Tournament. Not only to enjoy the benefits of sport participation, but to also have fun and network with colleagues. There were many smiles and laughter seen from all participants throughout the day.

This year, in addition to the soccer tournament, there was also a BBQ offered for every employee at the Bells Corners Complex. Over 200 employees gathered to enjoy good food and good company. Employees enjoyed burgers, fruit snacks, chips, cookies and drinks together. The weather was sunny, warm and everyone enjoyed being outside to enjoy the day.

The PIPSC NRCAN branch, and NR Subgroup, NCR co sponsored the event with PSAC. The main organizers for the event were Christine MacFarlane and Darius Emadi.

The winning team “Data Driven Defenders” were undefeated the entire tournament. The final game was close and could have gone either way. In the end, “Data Driven Defenders” from OEE remained undefeated and won the tournament. In the spirit of sportsmanship, the teams shook hands at the end of every game.