EXECUTIVE MEETING 20 FEB 2018 AT 1159 Bank Street

In Attendance: Glen Schjerning (President), John Eng (Treasurer), David Topp (Secretary), Olivia Leung, James Kuang, David Sutherland, Olga Botygina, Adam Gray, KerryAntonette Leiba (all Members at Large), Matt MacLeod, Brian Lafleur, James Allan, and Mohammed Chandary (Special Guests).

The meeting was called to order at 17:30h. 

Glen reported on the recent NCR Steward Training Session.  This was a smaller session, than in past sessions.  Two advanced Stewards (vice 4) training courses and one basic steward training course.  Typically the branch hosts a hospitality suite at NCR steward schools, as we did at this session.  The hospitality suite was a success and we welcomed two new stewards into the branch, however, due to low level of DND participation during this training session, the hospitality suite may not have been as cost effective as in the past.  It was agreed to be cautious about hospitality spending at steward training in the future. 

Glen reported that the NCR Regional Council will be taking place 20 & 21 April 2018, at the Lac Leamy Hilton.  Registration was now open.  The branch will get an estimated 21 delegates.   The President gets to select from the applicants.  It was agreed that executive members, members who volunteer to assist at branch functions (such as the Branch Family Halloween event) and active stewards would be given priority in delegate selection.

Action Item:  All to apply and all to encourage members to apply.

John present a Financial Statement, including our approved budgets for 2018 and 2019, and our spending to date in 2018.  The branch is in good standing and should receive its annual allowance shortly.

The 2018 Branch Family Halloween Event was discussed.  A budget was approved at the 2018 AGM.  Olivia/Olga/Natalia were asked to consider the scope (and if they wish to expand) and if more funds are required.  This event has been universally recognized as a success, and grows every year.

Action Item:  Olivia/Olga/Natalia to advance plans and review issues such as scope growth and resources.

Alternate Work Arrangement (AWA) were discussed at length.  This new DND effort is applauded by us, but this will potentially increase our PIPSC work load.

Matt noted that there are two DND NCR members on the Employee Wellness Support Program advisory team, and that there is a specific item to be addressed regarding operational stress injuries (e.g., PTSD) for civilians who have worked on deployed operations.

Glen discussed the 4 April 2018 evening event for the Branch. This will be cocktail party with informative It will take place at the Hilton Lac Leamy.  It will be a great opportunity to reach out to our branch members.  Subjects such as collective bargaining, Phoenix, Employee Wellness and C-27 would be presented.  Presenters will include President Debi Daviau, VP Sean O’Reilly, and Jennifer Carr.

WHS issues at Carling Campus were discussed.  Glen, John and David Topp to engage with Management at Carling Campus on 23 Feb 2018, to plan the establishment of WHS committees at Carling Campus, as the Campus populates.  Mohammed had some insight into Carling Campus.  His future involvement in these efforts may be of value

Round Table Discussion.  This included Phoenix support from the DM, CS bargaining proposals related to Contracting out.  Olivia spoke to organizing a Branch Movie night.  She is exploring options and developing a proposal. James offered to assist with a meet and greet prior to a movie.  Olga ask for branch support for the International women’s day event in 2019.  

The meeting was adjourned at 19:00h.