BC/Yukon Region – Regional Executive Meeting
Thursday, June 6, 2024, 9:00 – 5:00pm
Coast Capri Hotel, 1171 Harvey Ave., Kelowna, BC, V1Y 6E8
Meeting Minutes June 6, 2024
Regional Executive Meeting – June 6, 2024
- Approval of Agenda – (All) Consensus
- Approval of Minutes – (All)
- April 9 & 10, 2024 Consensus
- Business Arising from Minutes – (All)
- Review of action items – (A. Lunz)
- HRDC for BC/Yukon Region – (M. Cranny)
- Participation in Yukon Federation of Labour training – completed. (M. Cranny)
- Cell phone/internet re-imbursement for Regional Executive members – RX cannot financially support. (A. Lunz)
- PIPSC AGM resolutions – (D. Corda)
Resolution Group Fee Adjustment revised to not need National approval to give more freedom for groups’ projects. To be submitted at PIPSC AGM 2024. Clarified that this does not increase dues for members. AI: Dean will circulate proposed revised resolution to the groups for feedback.
Resolution 17.11.1 IT group supports this.
Significant PIPSC Expenditures – expenditures more than $500K.
Regional Bylaw 6.8.1 Director – newsletter to be prepared annually rather than quarterly but not limited to annually.
Regional Bylaw 6.8.2 Chairing meetings – scheduling and agenda handling shared by Regional Director, Chair and Secretary rather than just by the Chair.
- Delegate selection (YPN, EEDI, etc.) – have up to 5 seats for Regional and Steward Councils but there is no selection criteria resulting in seats not being filled. Will be discussed at the Branch Presidents meeting in June 2024. (D. Corda)
- Regional Director Report - (M. Cranny)
Immediately following our last meeting in April we had a successful Advanced Labour School. Four modules were presented: Duty To Accommodate, Progressive Discipline, Burnout Prevention and Employment Relations Officer Case Review. I believe it was well received and the portions I was able to attend were engaging. Burnout prevention seems very important now as we try to build engagement and lean heavily on a few people. On April 13th I attended a joint Vancouver IT/SP movie event, Ghostbusters, in New Westminster. They had a good turnout, filling 2 theatres with folks and their families. There were not a lot of questions but I do think it’s good to get folks out who may not be as engaged otherwise. I wasn’t able to stay for the movie but I understand the event was well received. I think it’s great the IT and SP subgroups worked together on this event. On April 23rd I attended the Vancouver Retired Members Guild AGM and was glad to speak to these members. I am impressed and grateful that so many retired members stay active in the union as they hold a lot of corporate knowledge. May 1-3rd I attended the Board of Directors meeting that included a Strategic Planning session to follow up the one in January. It was great to see a summary of the ideas captured at that first strategic planning meeting and expand on them. The collaboration between the board and staff is really growing and I think it will definitely help improve the union as a whole. That work continues as I participate in weekly steering committee and strategic planning meetings. At the end of May the board joined the Advisory Council for one day. The big topics were the political landscape as we move towards an election and how to successfully lobby. It is quite clear that there may be a significant change that will affect public service members. How do we educate them about the risks we face and how do we work with politicians to improve the lives of our members? Very interesting topics and ideas.
Accept and approve Morgan’s oral report. m/s/c
- Office/Staff Report – (K. Hawkins)
We completed our Labour School since our last meeting. It went well, all content was well received. Staff will be providing Education with further feedback to Education concerning Burnout Prevention as this was a pilot.
All PIPSC staff attended a staff conference during the third week of April. It was rejuvenating and encouraging to spend time with colleagues. It also allowed us to build new connections to benefit our work.
The Vancouver office is going through some major changes. One of the EROs is working in a limited capacity. As a result, I have a former ERO back for a couple of months to provide assistance.
One of the EROs is leaving for Negotiations on September 3. A poster went up for the office and closes tomorrow. I know we have one internal qualified candidate with experience in the region, but need to wait for the process to close to follow their collective agreement. With changes to the staffing, there may be changes to portfolios, but that's TBD. I do feel we may be understaffed by a position overall in this region and have flagged this for budgetary planning. I will be looking at external applicants as well to ensure we are exploring term candidates, as needed.
I'm personally quite busy these days and have been travelling a lot. The adjudication hearings and planning are a challenge but we are working through it. I will be away for the first week of July and two weeks in August. I wanted to thank this executive for being so collaborative, respectful and lovely to work with. It's really a pleasure to work with you.
Accept and approve Kris’ oral report. m/s/c
- Financial Report – Treasurer - (P. MacDougall)
- Financial update – reviewed financials. Expenditures on Regional and Steward councils. Good shape financially.
- Regional Training Committee Report – (P. MacDougall)
- Upcoming training in BC/Yukon Region – moving forward Peer to Peer training and Mentorship program. Organized training topics for Steward Council. Call out coming out for Peer to Peer trainers.
- National training initiatives
Accept and approve Pete’s oral report. m/s/c
- Awards Committee – (D. Corda)
- Motion – (D. Corda)
- Move that the BC Yukon Region Awards Committee Terms of Reference Section 6, part b) be updated from: Meetings are held as per policy on Institute Regions and will be by teleconference and email to: Meetings are held as per the relevant PIPSC policies and will normally be virtual. On floor for discussion. m/s/c. Approved revision in favor. m/s/c. AI: Dean will send revised wording to Patricia.
- Executive of the Year – nominated Dean and Terri. Congratulations.
- Steward of the Year – (D. Corda)
- Criteria update – Should it be in the regs or regional policy? Criteria should be posted on the PIPSC awards page.
- Motion – (D. Corda)
- YPN Initiative – (D. Chiu)
- YP Forum – October 2024 – YPN hosted two events at Regional Council.
- YPC Terms of Reference
- National initiatives
- Legacy Fund & challenge cup – (S. Auchoybur) Prepared speech.
- New Business
- Regional Council update (M. Cranny)
- Resolutions – see 3(e) above.
- Reviewed agenda.
- Steward Council update (M. Cranny)
- Regional Council update (M. Cranny)
Oct 18 & 19, 2024 at JW Marriott. Should arrange a First Nations elder to speak. AI: Terri will arrange a First Nations elder to speak. AI: Crystal will arrange a charity to sponsor. Reviewed Agenda.
- Policy on Accessing PIPSC General Funds (D. Corda)
- Section 5: Each Region will be allocated $5,000 per year from the PIPSC national budget to order visibility items for their constituent bodies in a timely manner.
- Size of Vancouver Branch: Surrey (D. Corda)
- Policy on Accessing PIPSC General Funds (D. Corda)
828 members, Burnaby – 215 Proposed to break down branch into smaller groups due to members being from a large geographical area encompassing Burnaby to Squamish. Need to service underserviced areas.
- Next Meeting(s)
- Sept 6 & 7, 2024, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm, Harrison Hot Springs (tentative) (includes strategic planning day)
- October 17, 2024, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm, JW Marriot Hotel, Vancouver
- November 27, 2024, 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm, Delta Suites, Vancouver Training Committee meeting
- November 28, 2024, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm, Delta Suites, Vancouver RX Executive meeting
- February 20 – 22, 2025 – Vancouver or Victoria. Ask Alex to look at prices.
- June 11, 2025 – 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm, Tigh-na-ma-ra, Parksville Training Committee Meeting
- June 12, 2025 – 9:00 am – 5:00 pm, Tigh-na-ma-ra, Parksville RX Meeting
- June 13 - 14, 2025 – Tigh-na-ma-ra, Parksville Regional Council
- October 17-28, 2025 – Westin Hotel, Whistler Steward Council
- Roundtable
Soodittee – running treasurers’ training meeting.
Pete – sent out national AGM allocations.
Lauren – BBQ picnic.
Davy – public service week.
- Adjournment - To adjourn. m/s/c