Atlantic Regional Training Committee Meeting Minutes

Delta Beauséjour, Moncton, NB – January 26, 2018


COMMITTEE: Cathy Hebert

Mike Pauley

Kim Skanes

Phil Wilson     

Manny Costain

REGRETS: Carolyn Hynes

STAFF: Catherine Pinks – Recording Secretary

Kim called the meeting of the Atlantic Regional Training Committee to order at 1:00 pm.

I.  Approval of Agenda

The following items were added to the agenda: 

Motion #1 Phil moved and Manny seconded that the Agenda be approved as presented. CARRIED

II.  a.  Approval of Minutes of December 1, 2017

Motion #2 Mike moved and Cathy seconded that the minutes of December 1, 2017, be approved as presented. CARRIED

b.  Action Items

Kim went through the action items.  All completed except for Item 18 which is ongoing. 

Action Items

Generated by the Atlantic Regional Training Committee

from the December 1, 2017, meeting Suite 521, Delta Halifax



Item/Completion Deadline





Create a listing of unionized properties in Halifax with appropriate space for a Training School and regular Training.





Make the following bookings:

February 21-23 Dartmouth

April 11-13 Old Orchard

September 26-28 PEI/NL

November Dartmouth – Don’t book – just hold.





Make indicated changes to PIPSC and You and send out to Training Committee for review.





Add UFLB explanation to the Steward Council New Steward Breakout agenda.





Ensure Kim Skanes is down as one of the convenors on the Saturday evening hospitality.





Review the allowed beverage selections on the host bar for the Saturday evening hospitality event.





Check with staff and Oak Island about the possibility of changing the dates to the following weekend – April 19-21, 2018.





Source a local charity to receive the donation from our School fundraiser.





BF Steward Council Themes for January meeting.


January 2018


Training Committee

Think about themes for the 2018 Steward Council.





Book the Saunders Brothers for the Friday evening event at the Training School.





Purchase Headphones for School raffle.





Book Glen Bob and the Boot to MC Friday Awards Dinner at Steward Council and play at the Saturday Hospitality Suite.





BF Making Your Meetings work for January meeting.


BF January



Get quote on PIPSC’s Code of Parliamentary Procedure books for ARC.





Have Cheat Sheets translated and posted to the PIPSC Web Page.





Steward Council and Training Budgets – update per diem amounts.





Come up with a list of training needs for the NB Groups.





Remind Phil to send Carolyn the Training Budgets.



III.         Calendar of Events

Kim reviewed the calendar of events noting the addition of the 2019 meetings and the 2020 ARC in Fredericton. For these meetings contracts have been obtained and they are in the process of approval with Finance.

IV.         Training Committee Chairperson and Member Services Report

Kim reported the Training and Education committee is working on the Steward Policy and Bylaws. Lunch and learns on Medical/Dental, Pension and Disability Insurance have bee prepared.  A general call letter has gone out requesting volunteers who are interested in delivering these sessions.  Candidates selected will attend Train the Trainer sessions conducted by PIPSC Staff to learn how to deliver the modules.   

Kim reported that in 2018 she is aware of one Lunch and Learns session so far.  The St. Andrews Branch President, Sean Corrigan, requested a PIPSC and You session and Scott McConaghy delivered the presentation.  There was a great turnout for a small Branch - had about 30 people.  Sean has expressed an interest in another session on Pensions.

Mike reported he delivered a pension presentation for the NB Groups.

V.          Atlantic Regional Steward Activity Report

Kim tabled the Atlantic Regional Steward Activity Report for review.

VI.         Steward Training

Kim reported that for the upcoming Basic Steward session, February 15-17, we gave 12 new stewards registered and 7 refreshers.  Max and Barry will facilitate the session and Carolyn is no longer able to attend so Phil Wilson will act as the Training Committee representative.   

ACTION:  Catherine send Phil the required materials for the Training Committee representative on the February Basic.

VII.       Regional Training School 

Kim reviewed the agenda for the school. Catherine reported that we will have 22 per class for a session total of 44 and to date we have 53 applicants.  Kim noted she has a conflict with the dates and is unable to attend.  Carolyn should be in attendance in her capacity as Training Committee Chairperson and Manny will replace Kim as Director.  Cathy H. and Phil will attend to assist and organize the networking events.  

ACTION:  Kim to get back to Catherine on whether she will record a video clip welcome for the school.

VIII.      Steward Council

Kim reported that the President was invited to the ARC and Steward Council.  She has accepted the invitation to the ARC but has not provided an answer regarding the Steward Council at this time.  The committee discussed who they would invite to the Steward Council of the President is unable to attend noting that it would be an election year.  It was agreed that Director Praire Region and NWT, Nancy McCune would be invited. 

ACTION:  Kim discuss with Debi her attendance at the ARC at the next board meeting.

The Steward Council Agenda reviewed and a discussion on possible Themes ensued.  It was decided that Harassment would be the overall Theme.  Neville McKay will be booked as the closing speaker.  Friday’s session would be on What is Harassment and What is not.  The ERO’s will be asked to do a session on the Labour Relations aspect of Harassment on Saturday. 

ACTION:  Catherine book Neville McKay for Steward Council.

ACTION:  Catherine work with the ERO’s to source a presenter for Friday afternoon session at the ARC.

ACTION:  Catherine speak with Paul to request ERO’s develop session on Harassment for Saturday afternoon at Steward Council.

ACTION:  Catherine ask Max to review Cheat Sheet on Accommodation in the workplace considering recent changes in New Brunswick.

Kim reported there was discussion at the Regional Director’s meeting on where the costs for the Group breakoff sessions at Steward Council get charged off to.  It was determined that travel, accommodation and compensatory leave would be the responsibility of the Group and meals and breaks could be charged off to Steward Council.

ACTION:  Kim and Catherine to review the email to the Group Presidents asking them if they want to hold a breakout at Steward Council to make sure it is clear what the billing instructions are. 

ACTION:  Catherine ensure that breaks and meals are not billed back to the Groups.

IX.         Atlantic Regional Council

The committee drafted an outline for the ARC Friday afternoon session entitled “What Happened to My Meeting.”  It was determined we would begin with a Skit of a meeting gone wrong, present a short instructional deck then break into small groups and conduct a meeting and conclude with a plenary session. 

Parts for the skit were assigned and agenda items for the breakouts were determined.  Phil agreed to work on skit and deck with Catherine and will have a draft prepared for presentation at the March meeting.    

ACTION:  Phil and Catherine draft skit and deck for What Happened to My Meeting.

ACTION:  Catherine BF draft skit and deck for March Training Committee meeting.

X.          Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 5:00 pm.