EXECUTIVE: Marcel Journeay

Christine LeDrew

Carolyn Hynes

Jennifer Cantwell

Gerald Hill

Scott McConaghy

Mike Pauley

Catherine Hebert

Kelly MacKinnon

Yvonne O’Keefe

STAFF: Donna Davis, Recording Secretary

1.  Welcome and Introductions

Kim called the meeting to order and welcomed newly elected Executive members Catherine Hebert, Yvonne O'Keefe, and Kelly MacKinnon and stated she was looking forward to working with them.  Kim offered congratulations to re-elected members Mike, Scott, and Christine. The Welcome and Introductions proceeded with round table introductions.

2.  Approval of Agenda

Motion#1       Christine moved and Marcel seconded that the agenda be approved as presented. 


3.  Calendar of Events

Kim reviewed the calendar of events and mentioned the August Executive meeting would be postponed until we can have in-person events.

4. Elections/Assignment of Sub Committees

a, Kim reviewed the position descriptions and noted a change as follows:

Atlantic Regional Executive Role and Responsibility - Secretary Section, removing "is responsible for maintaining an accurate record of all meetings" to "is responsible to ensure an accurate record of the minutes are maintained.

b. The election process was reviewed.

c. Regional Training Committee

i. Nominations:  The following Executive put their names forward for the Training Committee:

  • Catherine
  • Mike
  • Carolyn
  • Christine
  • Mike
  • Jennifer
  • Gerald
  • Yvonne

Following a secret ballot vote, by Zoom Polling, the following members formed the Training Committee:

  • Carolyn
  • Mike
  • Christine
  • Gerald
  • Catherine

Carolyn was nominated as Training Committee Chairperson and was acclaimed.

ACTION:  Donna update the PIPSC website with the newly elected Training Committee.

d. Atlantic Regional Executive

Marcel was nominated and acclaimed for the position of Vice-Chairperson.

Christine was nominated and acclaimed for the position of Secretary.

There were two nominations for Treasurer, Catherine Hebert, and Gerald Hill.  After a candidate address by both nominee's Gerald Hill was elected for the position of Treasurer.

ACTION:  Donna update the PIPSC Website, Executive listing, Executive Virtual Binder, and email group with the new Atlantic Regional Executive.

Sub Committees

Members for the Sub Committees were determined with the individuals in bold as the leads.

Resolutions:  Scott, Marcel, Carolyn, Catherine, and Yvonne.

Elections:  Committee will be struck at the January meeting.

Awards:  Jennifer, Carolyn, Christine, Yvonne, and Catherine.

Communications:  Christine, Yvonne, and Kelly.

Branch and Provincial Group Liaison Sub Committee:  Mike, Marcel, Catherine, Christine, and Kelly.

ACTION:  Donna add the Elections Sub Committee Mandate review to the January 2020 Executive meeting agenda.

ACTION:  Donna update the Sub Committee Listing and post updates to the Atlantic Regional Executive Virtual Binder.

5.  77th ARC Debrief

Kim mentioned the ARC evaluations would be reviewed at the June 25, 2021, Atlantic Regional Executive Meeting.  Kim wanted to hear from the newly elected executive on how they felt about the elections for the ARC by Zoom Polling.  The newly elected members voiced their opinions along with the remainder of the executive with the consensus that in-person voting had so many more advantages. Although, with Zoom polling, there was a higher percentage of people voting.  Sometimes, at in-person meetings, delegates will only vote for one person. Carolyn mentioned the SOS Charity Draw went well and that it is important to keep a community presence.

Action: Send Christine the two winners of the SOS Charity Draw winners so she can post them on Facebook.

Action:  Jennifer will call SOS Charity once she receives the check.  If possible, she will get a picture of the presentation.

6.  New Business

a.  Signing of Principles of Conduct

Kim reviewed the Atlantic Regional Executive Principles of Conduct and it was verbally agreed to honor this until the next in-person meeting.  Each member will sign the Principles of Conduct at that in-person meeting.

ACTION:  Donna circulate the Principles of Conduct at the next in-person meeting.

b.   AMG Day 2

There was a lengthy discussion on the understanding and strategy for the upcoming resolutions at the AGM Day 2.  It was mentioned that the AGM Virtual Binder has background information on the resolutions.  A position for resolutions was decided on for tomorrow’s AGM Day 2. 

c.   Public Service Week

Next week Better Together will have something put on out regarding Public Service Week.  There will be virtual events with members with a French/English presentation deck.

7.  Adjournment

Kim thanked the Executive and adjourned the meeting.

Motion#2       Christine moved and Catherine seconded that the meeting be adjourned.