The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada

Atlantic Regional Executive Meeting Minutes

Sheraton Hotel Newfoundland, St. John’s, NL - May 26, 2019



EXECUTIVE: Manny Costain

Carolyn Hynes

Gerald Hill

Marcel Journeay (Phone)

Scott McConaghy

Christine Newhook

Jason Rioux

Phil Wilson

STAFF: Catherine Pinks, Recording Secretary

REGRETS: Jennifer Cantwell

Mike Pauley

1.  Welcome and Introductions

Kim called the meeting to order and welcomed newly elected Executive member Gerald Hill and stated she was looking forward to working with Gerald and Jennifer.  Kim offered congratulations to re-elected members Phil, Marcel and Carolyn.

2.  Approval of Agenda

The agenda was approved as presented.

3.  Calendar of Events

Kim reviewed the calendar of events. Gerald indicated he would not be available for the March meeting. Kim noted that Catherine will be inquiring into changing the January Executive meeting to February.

4. Elections/Assignment of Sub Committees

Kim reviewed the positions to be filled during this meeting and reviewed the election process.

  1.  Review of Position Descriptions:  Kim went over the Training Committee Mandate and Role of the Regional Training Committee Chairperson.
  2. Election of Training Committee:  The following Executive put their names forward for the Training Committee:
  • Carolyn
  • Marcel
  • Jason
  • Phil
  • Mike
  • Christine

Following a secret ballot vote the following members formed the Training Committee:

  • Carolyn
  • Jason
  • Phil
  • Mike
  • Christine

Carolyn was nominated as Training Committee Chairperson and was acclaimed.

Jason Rioux was appointed as the alternate for Carolyn on the National Training and Education Committee.

ACTION:  Catherine update the PIPSC website with the newly elected Training Committee.

  1. Atlantic Regional Executive

Kim reviewed the Roles and Responsibilities of the Atlantic Regional Executive.

Two nominations were put forward for the positions of Vice Chairperson.

  • Christine nominates Marcel
  • Jason nominates Manny

Both candidates accepted the nominations, and each said a few words. 

Following a secret ballot vote, Marcel was elected at as Vice President.

Christine Newhook was nominated and acclaimed as Secretary.

Phil Wilson was nominated and acclaimed as Treasurer.

ACTION:  Catherine update the PIPSC Website, Executive listing, Executive Virtual Binder and email group with the new Atlantic Regional Executive.

  1.  Sub Committees

Members for the Sub Committees were determined with the individuals in bold as the leads.

Resolutions:  Scott, Marcel, Christine, Manny, Gerald.

Elections:  Committee will be struck at January meeting

Awards:  Carolyn, Jason, Mike Pauley and Jennifer

Communications:  Manny, Christine, Carolyn, Gerald

Branch and Provincial Group Liaison Sub Committee:  Mike Pauley, Marcel Journeay, Christine, Jennifer, Jason.

ACTION:  Catherine add Elections Sub Committee Mandate review to the January 2020 Executive meeting agenda.

ACTION:  Catherine update the Sub Committee Listing and post updates to the Atlantic Regional Executive Virtual Binder.


 Unassigned AGM Delegate Seat:  Discussion ensued on the unassigned seat the region has for the PIPSC AGM.  Kim inquired who on the Regional Executive did not have a delegate seat.  Jason and possibly Jennifer did not have delegate seats. The Executive discussed the options of selecting from the alternates, AYPC and executive but due to timing and information restraints it was decided the 24th seat come from the executive for this year.

Motion #1:  Marcel moved and Phil seconded that the unassigned seat go to Jason.   Carried

Kim explained that normally this decision would be made at the time the Branch delegates were approved.  In the future we will deal with this seat at an earlier date. 

The Executive discussed sending an AYPC member as an observer as they budgeted for three.   Kim suggested the Executive sponsor an observer from the AYPC. 

The Executive agreed for onetime, this year the Executive will sponsor one AYPC member as an observer to the PIPSC AGM.  The AYPC will be asked to submit interested parties to Kim and the Executive will decide by email. 

ACTION:  Kim email the AYPC and ask for expressions of interest in attending the PIPSC AGM as an observer sponsored by the Atlantic Regional Executive.

Gerald suggested it would be beneficial for observers have a mentor assigned to them.  From his experience this would be helpful to ensure their first experience is a positive one.

Phil suggested that going forward the Executive should map out a process for assigning the 24th  AGM seat.  It was agreed we would add this to our September meeting agenda.

ACTION:  Catherine add process for selection for 24th AGM seat to the September agenda.

  1.  AGM Atlantic Hospitality Suite:  The Executive agreed it was important for the region to host an Atlantic hospitality suite at the AGM. Gerald volunteered to man the hospitality suite. 

ACTION:  Kim communicate to Julie that the Atlantic will require a hospitality suite and Gerald will be the convenor for the suite.

ACTION:  Gerald convene the Atlantic Region PIPSC AGM hospitality suite.

6.  New Business

Kim reviewed the Atlantic Regional Executive Principles of Conduct and it was circulated for signature.

ACTION:  Catherine circulate the Principles of Conduct to those not in attendance for signature and provide individual copies to the Executive at the September meeting.

Phil, at Tony Purchase’s request, tabled the suggestion that the Atlantic region fund a second scholarship.  Discussion on the suggestion took place.  Carolyn explained this would take away from the focus on the 100th year scholarship.  It was decided the Executive will discuss this further for future years.

ACTION:  Catherine add the addition of a regional scholarship funded by the Atlantic Regional Executive to the September agenda for discussion.

Manny confirmed that he will still attend the Saint John Branch AGM in June on behalf of Kim. 

Carolyn will be the Training Committee representative for the September Basic Training in St. John’s. 

Motion #2:  Phil moved and Jason seconded that the Executive/Training Committee election ballots be destroyed.  Carried

7.  Adjournment

Kim thanked the Executive and adjourned the meeting.

can we indicate we discussed the options of selecting from the alternates, AYPC and executive but due to timing and information restraints it was decided the 24th seat come from the executive for this year. We say this later but it should be in the main discussion for the unassigned delegate seat. Last word.

a. Unassigned AGM Delegate Seat: Discussion ensued on the unassigned seat the region has for the PIPSC AGM. Kim inquired who on the Regional Executive did not have a delegate seat. Jason and possibly Jennifer did not have delegate seats.