Montreal/Rive-Nord SH CSC Sub-Group
- Opening remarks
- Approval of the agenda
- Role of delegates (task distribution)
- Purchase of visibility material
- Sub-Group Finances and Budget
- Other Business
- Adjournment
Montreal/Rive-Nord SH CSC-Sub-Group Executive Roles and Responsibilities
By-Laws and Regulations
- Responsible for the Sub-Group’s By-Laws and Regulations
- Review By-laws and Regulations to ensure compliance by the Executive Committee
- Consult with PIPSC By-Laws and Regulations Committee Chair
- Liaise with SH Group Consultation Team
- Ensure that members are well represented and see if there are any issues
- Maintain a database of consultation representations
- Prepare and update membership issues to be escalated to the national SH Group
- Responsible for ensuring communication is in both official languages
- Communicate with the President regarding issues or new information to be shared with members
- Liaise with the Secretary to summarize minutes of meetings.
- Update/post information on Sub-Group’s Facebook page
- Encourage the use of PIPSC promotional items
Act as Coordinator for members, Rand and Complaints
- Encourage all PIPSC members to become full-fledge members of their union
- Monitor/update the number of RAND members and report to PIPSC
- Support/guide members with workplace issues
- Follow-up on complaints and grievances with the help of EROs.
- Act as Election Chairperson as required
- Ensure proper conduct of elections
- Keep updated records of Executive members and future election dates
- Notify the President and/or the VP of upcoming elections during the year
- Send out an email to the members and encourage them to run for office
- Recruit additional Stewards in the Montreal/Rive-Nord area
- Ensure existence of bulletin boards at all sites
- Keep an updated list of Stewards in our area and, if possible, in the Quebec Region