We'd like to provide an update on the PSTAR grievances, FPSLREB File Nos. 566.34.9832 & 9833 (Myles & Alcock).  The Institute and the CRA had a pre-hearing conference on January 23 to resolve a number of procedural issues designed to streamline the hearing itself. The major issue is that the CRA asserted that the case itself should be split in half so that they could raise a technical objection to the Board's jurisdiction. Essentially, the CRA wanted to prevent a hearing on the merits (i.e. whether our members were entitled to severance). The Institute strongly opposed this and argued that the CRA's technical objection should be heard together with the case on the merits. I am happy to report on February 21, 2018, Board Member John G. Jaworski found in favour of the Institute. The Board will hear whether our members were entitled to severance from the CRA on the merits, hopefully later this year.


Simon Ferrand
Legal Counsel
250 Tremblay (Ontario)
K1G 3J8