Dear members:

Your collective agreement expires on December 21st, 2018. You are invited to provide your input into the negotiations of your next agreement through this bargaining survey. The results of this survey, along with other issues which have come to the attention of your Negotiating Team, will help to determine the proposals to be addressed during the upcoming round of bargaining. 

Your cooperation and participation are essential in helping to draft the bargaining proposals. We cannot bargain effectively if we do not know what you want. Your input is important, please comment on items of concern. 

The current CS Group collective agreement can be found on the PIPSC website ( under ‘Groups’ in French and English.

Please feel free to contact any member of the Group executive if you have additional comments or bargaining issues which have not been addressed by this survey.

Deadline for completion of the survey is March 10, 2018.

The link will be sent to you via email.