AGM of the GAC (nee DFAIT) CS Sub-group will hold its Annual General Meeting on December 19th
This message is to inform you that the AGM of the GAC (nee DFAIT) CS Sub-group will hold its Annual General Meeting on Dec.19th at 11:45 to 12:45 at the Chateau Laurier, the MacDonald Room.
RSVP’s must be sent in by Dec.15th so that I can summarize the attendance. Please advise if you have any food allergies so that the Sub-group executive can ensure that you have a meal that doesn’t harm you.
The Agenda is as follows:
12:00 - Opening remarks by the sitting President
12:05 - Opening remarks by the Chair
Acceptance of the previous minutes of the 2017 AGM
Acceptance of the 20017 AGM agenda
Financial Report and the acceptance thereof
Elections of the following positions of the Core and executive of GAC NCR CS-Subgroup. Elections will be accepted by your President via email and also from the floor at the AGM, itself
The following positions are up for election:
Vice-President (two-year term)
Secretary (two-year term)
Financial Officer (one-year term)
Members-at-Large (various time terms)
Outstanding agenda items will be addressed from 201
New business will be accepted from the floor if time allows
12:45: Close of business.
As a reminder, RSVPs must be sent to by Dec.15th, 2017.
Your President, Shirley Gillette, (ret’d)
GAC NCR CS Sub-Group