Halifax Thunderbirds Lacrosse Game – April 5, 2025

The Halifax Branch invites you to a Halifax Thunderbirds Lacrosse game on Saturday, April 5, 2025 at 7pm at the Scotiabank Centre.


To attend, please click on this link: PIPSC Group Tickets no later than March 28, 2025. You can purchase one or more tickets. Seats are limited and tickets will be available on a first come first serve basis.


Steps to purchase your Halifax Thunderbirds tickets!

Step 1: Click PIPSC Group Tickets


Step 2: Click on April 5th


Step 3: Click on buying options.


Step 4: After you select buying options you will see two available offers.


Offer 1: Member +1 Ticket Purchase***

This offer is for members to select and purchase up to 2 tickets each. The Halifax Branch will provide you with concession vouchers ($25 per ticket - maximum $50) to be distributed on game day and redeemed at Scotiabank Centre. Seats are limited and tickets will be available on a first come first serve basis.

Offer 2: Additional Tickets Purchase***

This offer is for members who are looking to purchase more tickets in addition to the 2 tickets they purchased under the “member +1” offer. This offer is also for anyone who is looking to purchase tickets and the member offer is no longer available. No vouchers!


*** If you are purchasing tickets under both offers and are looking to have the tickets together, the best option is when purchasing offer 1 tickets to select seats that have seats available next or near them to have all your seats together as you will need to select where you want your seats in the block of reserved available seats in both offers ***


Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact halifax_branch@pipsc.ca and a member of the executive will get back to you.