Ottawa Centreville Branch (OCB)
OCB Executives Meeting Minutes
November 4, 2024
Zoom Virtual Meeting
Meeting Started: 5:30 p.m.
In Attendance: Michael Kenny, Brian Hassall, Susan Amog-Hassall, Michelle Tran, Robert Hunter, Michael Patterson, April Chen, Andra Weis, Andrew Wigmore, Art Iwinski.
Regrets: Abraham Garcia.
(Original submitted in English)
- Michael Kenny declared quorum and called the meeting to order at 5:34 p.m.
- Adoption of Agenda: The agenda was provided in advance electronically. Michael K. asked if there were any additional items to include in the agenda. No additional items were proposed. Michelle motioned to adopt the agenda, seconded by Michael Patterson. Motion carried.
- Indigenous Land Acknowledgment – Michael Kenny
“We are gathered on the traditional and unceded territory of the Algonquin Anishnaabeg people, which is also home to a strong urban Inuit community. Our acknowledgment of these people reminds us of our important connection to this land where we learn and work.”
- Approval of OCB AGM Minutes: Minutes from September 11 and September 23, 2024, were approved by the OCB Executives via email voting prior to this meeting.
- Old Business: There was no old business to discuss at this time.
- Upcoming PIPSC AGM Update – Michael Kenny:
- Brian informed us that we will be seated in Section D, reserved for NCR members.
- The PIPSC AGM starts on Friday, November 7.
- Members are advised to use Uber vouchers for transportation to/from the airport or train station.
- The 5:00 p.m. caucus starts on Thursday.
- Provisions on dues increases will be discussed at the caucus.
- OCB Executive Networking Dinner: To stay within per diem limits per PIPSC policy. Motioned by Michelle, seconded by Art, to hold the dinner on Friday for OCB Executives. Voting results: six (6) in favor, three (3) abstained. Motion carried.
- Visibility Items – Michael Kenny, All: No issues to disclose.
- Treasurer’s Report – Andra:
- Andra presented the financial statement, including a summary of up-to-date expenses.
- Brian Hassall provided advice on expenditure allocation for accounting clarity.
- Deadline for Expense Submissions: All claims must be submitted by December 6, 2024.
- Committee Reports – Committee Chairs:
- Training Committee:
- Susan provided a list of members, including Michelle, Lee, Brian, and April, in addition to the OCB core executives.
- Susan shared planning details for November 18, 2024 (French session), and November 14, 2024 (English session), retirement sessions.
- Susan expressed concerns about PIPSC’s communication with union members.
- Social Committee:
- Andrew provided a list of members: Michael Patterson and Rob Hunter.
- Nothing to report yet. Planning for events will begin shortly.
- Finance Committee:
- Michael Patterson reported on committee activities and discussed PIPSC’s per diem policy.
- Communications Committee:
- Robert Hunter shared committee members: Andrew, along with the core executives.
- Rob discussed optimizing the use of c-events.
- Outreach Committee:
- Training Committee:
Michelle provided the following names: Susan, Lee, Lynn Morris, and April, along with the core executive members.
10. RTO Update: Rob provided an update at the last meeting. No new information was shared at this meeting.
11. PIPSC Policy on Virtual Meetings: Addressed in committee reports.
12. Volunteer Engagement and Compensation – Michael Kenny:
- Michael proposed a motion to revisit volunteer engagement and compensation.
- Discussion deferred to the planning session.
13. AGM Voting Process Improvements – Michael Kenny: Discussion to be held during the next Social Committee meeting.
14. Planning Session Venue Selection – Susan and Michael Kenny:
- Susan researched three (3) venues and presented a detailed comparison.
- After discussion, the Brookstreet Hotel, 525 Legget Dr., Kanata, ON K2K 3G4, was selected.
- Moved by Susan to approve a planning session for January 11, 2025, at the Brookstreet Hotel, including:
- Meeting space for the full day.
- Lunch, break snacks, and dinner.
- Hotel accommodations for executive members.
- No breakfast or additional hospitality arrangements.
- Voting results to be submitted directly to Michael Kenny by Monday morning, with results recorded in the next meeting minutes.
15. Approval for January/February Events: Decision deferred until the planning session.
16. Motion on Lunch Bags: Andra motioned, seconded by Michael, to provide up to 15 blue lunch bags for the AFS-HQ Subgroup’s AGM. Approved via email voting.
17. Next OCB Meeting: January 11, 2025, hybrid format (in-person and virtual), mixed with the planning session.
18. Round Table – All:
- Michelle motioned to purchase 11 jackets with the OCB logo for executive members (cost up to $130 each plus tax). Seconded by Art.
- Discussion and voting were postponed to the next fiscal year.
19. Adjournment: Michael Kenny adjourned the meeting at 7:24 p.m.