GTA Branch Planning Meeting, July 24, 2024


Stan Buday (President)                Kuini Chuen (VP)              Roy Philip (Treasurer)  

Nuşin Brown (Secretary)              Nathanael Mathi                Tanya King

Yvonne Snaddon                         Lalita Jeethan                   Nicole Henshaw

Yu Gao                                       Delores Sui


Opening: Welcome by Stan Buday at 6:10 pm. Approval of the 2024 Planning Agenda.

Patricia Williams looks after reaching out to Rands periodically as membership officer for the IT Group using a template. Yvonne will request that template so we can reach out to the Rands from the GTA Branch.

Review of planning meeting minutes 2023 (includes budget review): 2023 planning minutes were reviewed and approved.

Review of Branch Calendar from 2023:

Summer social took place at the Pilot on June 13th

A picnic was not held

Drum making event did not take place

Labour Day Parade was held on September 4th

Executive meeting was held September 6th

Zoo Day October 21st was very successful.

Steward appreciation dinner was held November 6th

Midland Holiday Event was held December 6th

Executive meeting was held January 31st

Winter social was held on February 15, 2024 at the Frog and Firkin

Executive meeting was held April 15th

The AGM was held at the Granite Brewery May 16th

The 2024 Summer social took place at the Pilot on June 18th

Action items were completed. Mailing lists were given out. Contact information for Executive members was updated, roles were assigned.

Branch Calendar 2024:

We typically organize 2 main networking events at a central location, and also smaller location specific events.

We can organize an arcade bar event at Tilt that has a cover charge. It can be organized for up to 40 people including snacks.

A Summer picnic requires planning in January, to book a venue.






June 18

Summer Networking Social at The Pilot

Tanya organized.


September 2

Labour Day Parade

To be announced by the ORE. All to attend if possible.

September 9

Executive Meeting

Location TBD

September 24th

Tilt Arcade

Kuini to organize

October 6

Toronto Zoo Day

Nathanael, Delores, Yu and Kuini to organize. Members will have to RSVP for tickets.

December 11 (TBD)

Midland Holiday Event at Queen Victoria Pub

Nuşin, Yu and Vini to organize.


December 16 (TBD)

Executive Meeting


Location TBD, Nicole to send out invite.


January 30


Winter Networking Social (Post Holiday Winter Blues)

The Frog – Tanya to organize

February 13 (TBD)

Executive Meeting


Location TBD. Kuini to send out invite.


March (TBD)


Steward Appreciation Dinner

Stan/Yvonne to organize (avoid March Break week)

April 24


Stan to organize

June (TBD)

Summer social at Churchmouse

Kuini to organize


Officer Roles and Responsibilities: 

Secretary                                    Nuşin Brown

Treasurer                                    Roy Philip, assisted by Delores Sui and Nathanel Mathi

Communications Officer              Yu Gao, with Tanya King as backup

Membership Officer                     Tanya King, with Yu Gao as backup

Action Items:

  • Membership officer to send a template letter to Rands to explain what the union does
  • Kuini to manage the email account for event RSVPs and member questions
  • Yvonne to send out template for Rands to Tanya and Yu
  • Kuini to send invites for Exec meetings
  • Delores will look into ordering promo items

Financial Report and budget planning 2024: A request for the yearly allocation was made in 2023. The 2024 allocation will be requested soon.

Anticipated expenses are:

$XXXX for 3 networking social events (Summer, Winter and Tilt arcade bar

$XXX for the Midland Holiday event

$XXXX for Zoo event

$XXXX for steward appreciation

$XXXX for executive meetings (over and above what PIPSC refunds)


$XXXX for promotional items

Roy made a Motion to accept the budget, Yvonne seconded

Branch priorities: Priorities from last year were reviewed. Ongoing priorities are:

  • Info sessions
  • Member engagement (also a big priority for PIPSC)
  • Union building – Fostering solidarity
  • Geographically organized networking events
  • Rands

Round Table/New Business:  No other items were brought forward.

Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm. Stan made a motion, Nicole seconded.

Next meeting will be in September.