(Translated from French)

SH DND Quebec Region Sub-Group


1. Opening Remarks
2. Adoption of the Agenda: Moved by Renée, seconded by Julie.
3. Composition of the Sub-Group Executive: President: Josée Girard, Vice-President:
Sophie Lévesque, Treasurer: Renée Lessard, Secretary: Karine Régimbald, Directors:
Sonia Richard, Julie Tremblay.
a. In attendance: Josée Girard, Renée Lessard, Karine Régimbald, Julie Tremblay.
b. Regrets: Sophie Lévesque and Sonia Richard.
c. Quorum confirmed.
4. Sub-Group’s finance/budget/bank account:
a. Josée reviews the documents received from PIPSC: BMO account opening
b. PIPSC allowance for this year is $1850.
c. Josée will send the documents to Karine for signature, who will forward them to
Sophie, who will send them to Renée for signature in order to meet the account
opening requirements.

d. Josée will ask Eric Massey how to get a travel authorization (TAN) for the Sub-
Group Executive’s meetings (travels for meetings or the AGM).

5. Development of the Sub-Group’s Mandate and By-laws:

a. The Executive reviewed the document provided by Josée Girard on the Sub-Group’s
By-laws and Regulations (Appendix).
b. The President will ask to whom the Secretary needs to send the minutes of the
meetings. She will communicate this information to Karine.
c. Josée will have the Sub-Group’s By-laws approved.

6. Sub-Group AGM:
a. The Executive agreed to hold the AGM this spring, following the Quebec
Regional Council where they will hold a pre-AGM meeting in person.
b. All Executive positions will all be up for election: President and Treasurer (two-
year terms), Vice-President and Secretary (one-year terms). The two Director
positions will also be up for election (one for a two-year term and the other for
a one-year term).
7. PIPSC email addresses:
a. All Executive members, minus Julie and Sonia. Everyone should use such an
b. The Executive wonders if they should use Google Drive to give everyone access
to the Sub-Group’s working documents. A PIPSC address would be great to
access Google Drive.
8. Communications with members:

a. By email: The Executive members will circulate the information in their
respective workplace.
b. Union bulletin board in the workplace.
9. Miscellaneous:
a. No miscellaneous.
10. Adjournment at 9:25 a.m.: Moved by Renée, seconded by Karine.

Action Items: 4d, 5b, 5c, 7a, 7b, 8a.

Deferred items: Executive members’ roles and responsibilities.