Meeting Minutes 

Thursday, June 29, 2020 

Zoom Videoconference 

Present: Jennie Esnard, Chair 

Tracy Thornton, BC - Yukon Region 

Samah Henein, Prairies – NWT 

Din Kamaldin, Ontario Region 

Charlotte Young, NCR 

Dotty Kelland, Atlantic 

Richard Gaboton, Education Officer 

Shelby Woodman, Staff Support 

Regrets: Sonia Richard, Québec 

Guests: Connor Smithers-Mapp 

Greg Scriver 

1. Call to order/Introductions 

The meeting was called to order at 1:05 p.m. via Zoom videoconference. J. Esnard  thanked everyone for joining the meeting.  

2. Approval of the Agenda 

The agenda was approved as presented 

3. Approval of the Minutes 

The minutes were approved as presented. 

4. Black Lives Matter 

As a result of the “Black Lives Matter” movement, the Chair and some committee  members have responded to an influx of emails/texts/telephone calls from members.  

J. Esanrd will be seeking approval from the Board of Directors to create a Black  Caucus, a sub-committee of the HRDC, to ensure that PIPSC members have a safe  place to voice their stories and/or concerns. The caucus would focus on implementing  a PIPSC strategy to combat anti-black racism and eliminate barriers within the  workplace and the Institute. 

C. Smithers-Mapp joined the meeting to discuss his experience as a radicalized man,  with his employer and the Institute. He stressed the importance of having uncomfortable  conversations, purposeful intent, accountability and measurability. He recommended  that the committee think of ways to address anti-black racism and look inward to think  about what can be done for equity members – i.e. Identify the barriers, and identify  ways to overcome them. 

Another important area to focus on is the inclusion of all members, if there are  volunteers wanting to make change, it should be embraced, as everyone needs to work  towards a better future.  

It was recommended that the committee work together on plan of action, focusing on  anti-black racism, and provide the Board with a concrete recommendation.  

R. Gaboton advised that he is currently working with two facilitators on a session in  regards to anti-black racism, white privilege, and white supremacy. This training will be  delivered to the staff of the PIPSC Toronto Regional office.  

5. CLC Indigenous Rights Working Group 

G. Scriver joined the meeting to discuss the work being done in collaboration with the  CLC Indigenous Rights Working Group. 

Last year, he co-lead the very first Indigenous Lobby Day at Parliament Hill. This  initiative brought members together from across Canada. They discussed specific  issues with the MPS – I.e. Murdered and missing indigenous women, residential  schools, cleaning drinking water, as well as a statutory holiday - Indigenous Day.  

G. Scriver is also working on a virtual land acknowledgement. Last year he attended the Summer Solstice, which was held in the BC/Yukon Region. PIPSC sponsored the  very first APTN Indigenous Day Live Event in Whitehorse. He was supposed to attend  this year, however, due to the pandemic, it was cancelled. The Institute is looking at  recognizing a Winter Solstice instead, and are currently working with ATPN at bringing it  together. 

There was a discussion in regards to the importance of self-identifying. The Institute  cannot represent the members if we are not aware of who they are. The more  awareness, the better for all.  

It was recommended that the HRDC set up sub groups of the HRDC committee to bring  things forward. 

6. Portfolio Distribution/ New Structure of PIPSC 

Given the importance of all Human Rights portfolios being represented, the chair would  like to ensure that all committees are populated. The HRDC will direct change and  guide change at PIPSC. It was recommended that each committee member reach out  to active PIPSC members that will drive the committees. 

The portfolios were assigned as follows: 

Tracy Thornton 

Mental Health & OSH 


Samah Henein 

Workers of Color 


Din Kamaldin 

Black Caucus 

Charlotte Young 

Indigenous Portfolio 


Dotty Kelland 

Women’s Portfolio 

Sonia Richard 

Official Languages 

Jennie Esnard 

Human Rights & Education 

There was a discussion in regards to a budget for speakers. The Chair advised the  committee to bring forward their requests, which will be dealt with on a case-by-case  basis.

R. Gaboton offered to prepare a proposal as to how the Speakers series would unfold.  It was suggested that we have a registration process to ensure that the Zoom platform  can support the number of participants during the Information Sessions. 

Action: J. Esnard to share the list of portfolios with the office of the President. 

Action: R. Gaboton to prepare a proposal as to how the Speakers series could  work. 

7. Speaker Series 

J. Esnard would like to organize a full speaker series on Human Rights & Diversity. It  would be beneficial for all, it will engage our members, and raise awareness on all  fronts.  

It was recommended that we share information of potential speakers with the rest of the  committee members.  

Action: J. Esnard to share ongoing information on Speaker Series with the  committee. 

8. Round Table 


It was recommended that we share our resources and learn from each other.  Education Officer 

The Popular Education Training that is being given to EROs includes discussions about  Human Rights, as well as white privilege.  

R. Gaboton advised that he has contacted Larry Rousseau, and he is able to participate in the Speakers series.  

9. Next Meeting Date  

It was suggested that the next meeting date be scheduled in early August 2020. Action: S. Woodman to send a Doodle poll to confirm the next meeting date. 10. Adjournment 

The meeting adjourned at 3:40 p.m.