Atlantic Regional Executive Meeting Minutes - March 25, 2023
Location: The Hilton Garden Inn, Moncton, NB
Manny Costain
Jennifer Cantwell
Cathy Hebert
Carolyn Hynes
Gerald Hill
Kimberley Keats
Christine LeDrew, Secretary
Kelly MacKinnon
Scott McConaghy
Yvonne O’Keefe
Mike Pauley
1. Welcome and Directors’ Opening Remarks
Manny called the meeting to order at 9:00am. He welcomed everyone to the meeting and read the land acknowledgment.
2. Ice Breaker
Christine proceeded with a light fun Ice Breaker. Jennifer Cantwell volunteered to do the Ice Breaker for the May meeting.
3. Agenda
Manny would added CLC Convention. Cathy added Steward of the Year Gift. Moving G from New Business to #6 Calendar of Events.
Motion #1 Cathy Hebert moved, and Yvonne O’Keefe seconded that the agenda be approved as amended. CARRIED.
4. Approval of Regional Executive Minutes
The minutes of January 28, 2023 were reviewed. Manny noted that the date and location at the top of the minutes was incorrect.
Motion #2 Kim Keats moved; Yvonne O’Keefe seconded that the minutes be approved as amended. CARRIED.
Action: Donna to update the previous minute’s date and location of January minutes.
5. Action Items Review
Manny reviewed the Action Items.
Action Items
Atlantic Regional Executive
January 28, 2023 – The Lord Nelson Hotel, Halifax, NS
Action |
Item/Completion Deadline |
Completed/Progress |
BF |
1 |
Manny |
To rebook the virtual Atlantic Regional Steward Check-In for every two months. |
2 |
Donna |
Scope out new properties for meetings, one suggestion was the Hilton Garden Inn, St. John’s, NL. |
3 |
Resolutions Committee |
Put together an amendment to the Travel and Balancing Union Activity and Family Life Policy to include the Training School. |
4 |
Manny |
To invite Phil to the Friday night Director’s dinner for our Steward Council. |
5 |
Manny |
To have a zoom meeting of the newly elected executive prior to the September Executive and Training Committee meeting to vote in positions for the Executive and Training Committee. |
6 |
Manny |
To email, finance to find out the process for the reconciliation of Constituent Body Accounts. |
7 |
Christine & Gerald |
To look into Swag for the Steward Council. |
8 |
Donna |
To add new dates for the 2024 and 2025 meetings to the Calendar of Events. |
9 |
Manny |
To ask Jenn Carr if she will do a breakout with the NB Groups during the Town Hall. |
10 |
Manny |
To invite Sean O’Reilly, Craig Bradley, and Chris Roach to the Atlantic Regional Council to facilitate the Town Hall. |
11 |
Carolyn |
To communicate with Cheryl regarding the Training Committee’s decisions on training after each meeting. |
12 |
Carolyn |
To ask education if Performance Management is ready on the education drive. |
13 |
Kelly |
To prepare the notice for the Moncton area social in association with the Basic Steward Training. |
14 |
Kelly |
To look into a place for a social event in conjunction with the Executive meeting in March in Moncton. |
15 |
Donna |
To send the ARC Delegate Allotment letter and documents to branches, groups, and retired members guild before the next meeting. |
16 |
Donna |
To BF the AGM Formula to the May meeting Agenda. |
17 |
Gerald |
To put the budgets on the Atlantic Regional Executive Financial Drive. |
18 |
Gerald |
To ask finance how to access the additional funds for special events. |
19 |
Manny |
To purchase International Women’s Day Pins and ship them to Carolyn before February 14. |
20 |
Donna |
Set aside 15 minutes on the agenda at the Atlantic Regional Council for Manny to talk about Women’s Day. |
21 |
Cathy |
To look into the Annual General Meeting visibility item. |
#1: The next virtual check-in is Tuesday May 9th. Jennifer suggested making a note in the event that you can pop in and out, you do not need to be present for the entire time.
#3: Scott noted that the updated policies are not posted on the website. Manny noted he can help the resolutions sub-committee with the new information.
#4: Director’s Dinner – Manny informed Cheryl, Jenn and Sean. He will extend the invitation to the previous director Kim Skanes. Carolyn will make a reservation at the Fish Exchange.
#18: Gerald did not receive a response from The finance chair did not know there was such an email. Manny suggested Gerald send the email again and CC John Purdie and himself.
#19: Was completed by Manny.
#20: Removing item as we no longer have pins to give out.
#21: Suggested items were – portfolios, sleeves for IPad, and laptop bags.
Action: Donna to add a blurb to the notice for Steward Check-In that you can connect throughout the time.
Action: Manny invite Kim Skanes to the director’s dinner at ARC.
Action: Carolyn book the Fish Exchange for Thursday night’s Director’s dinner.
6. Calendar of Events
Manny reviewed the Calendar of Events. There are two conflicts with Regional Executive meetings. September training committee and regional executive meetings will conflict with PIPSC Consultation Symposium. As the current executive stands at least 3-4 people will be attending the symposium. A discussion ensued on dates that will work for the executive. Kim posed the question does it have to be Friday and Saturday meetings and moving it either before or after the symposium if that would work with the executive members. From the policy the rule of thumb is typically Friday, Saturday or Monday. This September meeting is a planning meeting and would be beneficial for all executive to be in attendance. The training committee would meet Monday morning with the Regional executive meeting Monday afternoon and all-day Tuesday.
Motion #3 Carolyn Hynes moved; Christine LeDrew seconded that the executive request approval from EC and finance to have a regional executive and training committee meeting on September 11 and 12 in Halifax. CARRIED.
Action: Manny to submit a briefing note to the EC.
Action: Manny to bring to finance for approval.
Action: Donna to look into availability at the Lord Nelson and the Westin for September 10-13th, 2023.
Manny noted that the PIPSC National AGM is now on the same week of our seasonal social and December executive meeting. This would mean over a full week away from home and work for the executive. The decision was made to move the seasonal social to December 7th and the regional executive meeting to December 8th.
Action: Manny to confirm with Donna that she was able to move the bookings.
7. Regional Director’s Report
Manny advised that his Director’s Report is on the Google Drive for review, along with his Board of Director’s Report. Manny noted that Nancy Lemarche said that approximately 300 applications were received for the administrative assistant position at the Halifax office. Jean-Francois was acting as the executive secretary and has recently been given the position permanently. Ray Hall will be leaving in April. Manny also noted that John Purdie wants all treasurers from constituent bodies and consultation presidents to have finance training in 2023.
Motion #4 Manny Costain moved; Mike Pauley seconded to go into a closed session. CARRIED.
Motion #5 Manny Costain moved; Cathy Hebert seconded to come out of the closed session. CARRIED.
In addition to his report, Manny advised that there are 30 groups currently at various stages of bargaining. The IT Group is a bit further along at bargaining.
Some other topics that were discussed were the policy grievance on bad faith bargaining, the federal budget will be announced next week with our President Jennifer Carr being on parliament hill, the building next to the PIPSC office in Ottawa will be demolished, concur claims are now processed within 3 weeks. The date for the NB Budget had been changed.
Motion #5 Carolyn Hynes moved; Jennifer Cantwell seconded to go into a closed session. CARRIED.
Motion #6 Carolyn Hynes moved; Christine LeDrew seconded to come out of the closed session. CARRIED.
Manny noted there is a transition team that includes members of the board and PIPSC Staff Directors. This allows for town halls with staff and bargaining with the staff. Both sides of staff are now represented by the same union. He also mentioned that the National AGM will be a 4-day convention held from November 26-29 in Montreal. It will be 4 days of interspersed business and sessions. Unfortunately, due to the size and location, there will not be any observers this year. An AD-HOC working group combining of 1 board member, 2 Advisory council members, and 3 science community members will be created to help PIPSC focus on our environmental footprint.
Motion #7 Kim Keats moved; Scott McConaghy seconded to go into a closed session. CARRIED.
Motion #8 Mike Pauley moved; Kelly MacKinnon seconded to come out of the closed session. CARRIED.
It was also noted that a briefing note was presented to the board regarding retired members’ eligibility. Right now if you leave and go to the private sector you can still be deemed a retired member as long as you had paid into the pension plan. This has been sent to the By-Laws and Policies Committee. Feminuity had staff members calling approximately 1700 members, and some of the people doing the phone calls received death threats from our members.
Motion #9 Manny Costain moved; Gerald Hill seconded to go into a closed session. CARRIED.
Motion #10 Manny Costain moved; Mike Pauley seconded to come out of the closed session. CARRIED.
Motion # 11 Manny Costain moved, and Jennifer Cantwell seconded the Director’s Report be approved as presented. CARRIED.
8. Training Committee Chairperson’s Report
Carolyn Hynes, Chair of the Training Committee, went over her report submitted on the google drive. In addition to her report, Carolyn brought forward the details for the steward council. This year’s theme will be “Running on Empty” from a self-care/burnout prevention angle. The Committee recommended in lieu of a Saturday night event, hosting a Stewards Award Dinner and Dance on Friday night. A discussion ensued.
Motion # 12 Christine LeDrew moved, and Carolyn Hynes seconded to remove the walk at dawn for this year due to the dinner and dance. CARRIED.
Carolyn also noted that an invitation would be sent to Judith Leblanc and Eva Henshaw to do a presentation on Steward Framework and the National Steward Officer. Carolyn requested the executive to research and provide names of speakers that can do an hour presentation on Burn Out for the last hour on Saturday. The executive discussed various options for swag items for Stewards Council participants. Christine will price luggage tags, yoga balls, and stress balls. Jennifer will look into two yoga balls in a bag. Kim also suggested we mention that PIPSC has resources to help stewards and members.
Action: Executive to provide names of a guest speaker.
Action: Christine price swag items for the steward council.
Action: Jennifer will price two yoga stretch balls in a bag.
Carolyn noted that the training committee has come up with 8 questions to start the conversation of the town hall if no members get to the microphones. Also mentioned was that the peer-to-peer training is not being given this year as of now. Discussion took place on submitting the training budget for 2024 with and without the peer-to-peer course.
Action: Gerald will submit the training budget as is with the peer-to-peer course.
Carolyn also mentioned that the regional executive will make recommendations for the Lunch and Learn reimbursement process and bring it forward to TEAM.
Motion # 13 Carolyn Hynes moved, and Cathy Hebert seconded the Training Committee Chairperson’s Report. CARRIED.
9. Financial Report
Gerald stated there are 6430 members in the region. He also went over the regional executive financials and a discussion occurred. He stated that he requires the elections report and 2021 Regional Council minutes to submit for our annual allotment.
Action: Gerald to update Note 3 on documents to reflect 2023.
Action: Gerald to ask finance how to increase submitted budgets for ARC and other events.
Action: Gerald submit meeting and event budgets once hotel costs are in.
Action: Gerald to submit for annual allowance.
Action: Gerald to complete the audit of 2022 finances for ARC.
Action: Gerald to fix the typo in Note 5 for budget
Gerald provided a few versions of a proposed budget for 2024. Everyone was in agreement with this proposed budget. Gerald would continue with the 2024 budget. He mentioned that from a budget perspective, there are items we can and cannot cover for steward council and regional council networking events. We will need to go through the regional office.
Kim suggested having the regional executive come for a meet and greet after the St. John’s Branch AGM which is being held the Wednesday night before the ARC. Kelly noted that she was tasked with booking a meet and greet for the regional executive during our meeting in Moncton. She wanted an event to get people out, such as bowling but the limit does not seem to be enough.
Motion # 14 Manny Costain moved, and Kelly MacKinnon seconded to go into a closed session. CARRIED.
Motion # 5 Manny Costain moved, and Gerald Hill seconded to come out of a closed session. CARRIED.
Action: Executive bring forward suggestions for meet and greet events.
Action: Donna to put meet and greets as an agenda item for the September meeting.
Motion # 15 Gerald Hill moved, and Yvonne O’Keefe seconded the financial report. CARRIED.
10. Committees of the Board Reports
a. Training, Education, and Mentoring Committee (TEAM)
b. Science Advisory
c. Finance Committee
The TEAM report was reviewed on the Google drive. It was noted that there was one typo for attendees. Kim Keats mentions she was approached by mobilization to cofacilitate a PIPSC and You session with members.
The Science Advisory Committee report was reviewed on the Google drive. Kim noted the meeting was held virtually for half a day as an introductory meeting. It was stated that the main initiatives are still the same as previous. Kim mentioned themmittee Chair has brought forward the idea of having a science symposium.
The Finance Committee report was reviewed on the google drive. Cathy has noted that they are very limited with what they can report back due to privacy issues. Currently, our concur system does not work in line with the accounting system. This is being worked on and hopefully, a software will be in place by June. The Finance committee is now hearing appeals, reviewing the treasurer’s training. Cathy also mentioned that they are currently working with consultation to help with their budgets.
The ITSP Committee report was reviewed on the Google drive.
There was no PRQC Committee report.
Motion # 16 Manny Costain moved, and Mike Pauley seconded that the Committees of the Board reports be moved as presented. CARRIED.
11. 79TH ARC Ongoing Planning
Manny stated that the Friday afternoon session will have the Townhall with Sean O’Rielly, Chris Roach and Craig Bradley with a breakout session for the NB Groups with President Jennifer Carr. A discussion occurred on plans for the Friday Night event and no event on Saturday night. Gerald stated the approximate budget for the event. Carolyn suggested using McCarthy’s for a scaled-down version of the pub crawl again. Kim suggested booking Quidi Vidi and organizing things to do there. Christine suggested renting the top floor of O’Rielly’s. Manny stated we need to finalize these plans quickly.
Manny noted he spoke with Chair of Finance John Purdie about hosting the ARC hybrid. It was stated that ON will not be using the DOTS system for voting due to the high cost. Another discussion ensued on which charity to donate our raffle collection too. This year’s branch profile at the ARC will be Moncton.
Motion # 17 Carolyn Hynes moved, and Kim Keats seconded that the donations go to Bridges to Hope. CARRIED.
Action: Carolyn contact McCarthy’s for a scaled-down version and price.
Action: Gerald email Quidi Vidi for pricing.
Action: Manny to tell Donna to include voting cards in ARC Packages and not to book DOTS.
Action: Manny to send Jenn and Kim the election procedures.
Action: One person from the floor of the ARC will be required to help count ballots.
12. New Business
a. Executive Member of the Year Award – Donna has sent out the call for executive of the year nominations with the due date of Friday, April 21.
b. AYPC Update – Christine provided a verbal update. AYPC held their stand-alone meeting February 17th and 18th in Halifax with a social event Friday night at an Indoor Roller Skating place. There were more RSVPs than attendees, but due to the weather, some people cancelled. However, 2 of the PIPSC members that showed up have never attended any event previously. Everyone in attendance had a lot of fun. Christine also noted that there is a National Young Professionals Network event happening April 13-14 in Vancouver, BC however the AYPC has agreed to attend virtually. Manny noted that in the terms of refence for the youth committees, the budget was nationally but split equally by region. It was then further broken into different components. There was a briefing note to the board of directors in 2019 to put the budget under the region and it was denied.
c. NB Federation of Labour Convention – The event is being held at Delta Saint John from Sunday, May 28 to Wednesday, May 31 and Manny noted we have 5 delegate seats. The names are due May 9th. Unfortunately, it was noted that some of the NB Members will be in Newfoundland for the ARC. Mike will ask if any of the NB Group members are interested and available to attend.
Action: Mike to find out if any NB members interested to attend the convention
Action: Manny to find out on funding for event.
d. Swag Purchases – Discussion on items occurred as well as during the Training Committee Chairperson’s report.
Action: Carolyn to ask Donna about items for participants at training school and what is left at the office in swag.
e. Strategic Planning after Board Election - Kelly questioned if the Regional Executive does strategic planning meetings. Manny noted that we do a yearly planning meeting at our September meeting as it’s the first meeting after the ARC. In September we will set the committee members and make our regional executive goals for the year.
f. Vetting of Candidates for the Atlantic Regional Executive – Kelly asked that if an observer is present at the ARC can they run for the regional executive. Another question asked was who is confirming if these members running are a regional member, RAND, etc? It was noted that branch presidents are the ones that are sending in the names for the ARC delegates.
g. September Training Committee/Executive Meeting - Was discussed during the calendar of events
h. Update on Fredericton Office - Manny noted that the work is ongoing with the Director of HR for a political liaison.
i. CLC Convention - Manny stated that he would like to have the delegates from the Atlantic region to return a report after the convention. A discussion ensued on the names that were submitted for the Atlantic delegates to the CLC Convention.
Motion # 18 Carolyn Hynes moved, and Jennifer Cantwell seconded that the Atlantic regional executive submit Ashlee McLeod and Joe Rossiter as the delegates for the CLC Convention. Brooke Casey and Marcus Pecke will be the alternatives. CARRIED
Action: Jennifer to send Manny Joe’s email.
j. Steward of the Year Gift - Cathy sent the executive a picture of the gift.
Motion # 19 Cathy Hebert moved, and Kelly MacKinnon seconded that the two pictures be purchased. CARRIED.
12. Round Table
Scott noted that the two by-laws 6.2 and 6.2.1 need to have their names changed as it still refers to membership services, not TEAM. Kim noted we need to select a charity for the training school. A few different ones were discussed. Jennifer asked if the policy for staying Saturday night when having family with you will be applied for the training school. Manny noted that the policy only works with Steward Council and ARC, not training school but you can ask for an exception.
Christine noted we only have 110 ARC swag items, which means we do not have enough to give our guest speakers, and asked if we want to purchase more. She will get a quote and go from there.
Manny noted this was a long but great meeting. He also noted that because we are over 5 pm that members cannot get home by 8 pm now they are entitled to stay the night.
Motion # 20 Manny Costain moved, and Cathy Hebert seconded that the meeting be adjourned. CARRIED.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:32pm.