Honouring the Stewards of the Year
The “Steward of the Year” award acknowledges those who have gone “above and beyond” their duties to assist members and who have made extraordinary contributions to the Institute.
The 2020 and 2021 Stewards of the Year addressed the AGM delegates on video.
The 2022 stewards addressed the AGM delegates, and President Jenn Carr presented trophies to them. President Carr also presented to the AGM the first ever National Chief Steward: Judith LeBlanc.
National Chief Steward
Regional Directors introduced their 2022 Stewards of the Year.
2022 Stewards of the Year
Atlantic Region: Tony Chubbs (SP)
Québec Region: Karine Régimbald (SH)
National Capital Region: Fred Jamieson (CFIA-S&A)
Prairie/NWT Region: Kevin Jacobs (SP)

B.C./Yukon Region: Phil Johnson (SH)