Celebrating wage increases!

Morgan Cranny, SP, admits he doesn’t usually prioritize wage increases when it comes to bargaining. He considers his wages fair, and is most interested in negotiating for increases in leave to allow for work-life balance.

But this year is different.

Morgan lives in Victoria, BC, where the cost of living continues to rise and the city has become an expensive place to live. Without an annual increase his wages each year are worth less – as though his wages are cut each year.

Like most groups, this round of central bargaining has resulted in a total increase of 8% for Morgan over the next four years. “This is a great increase, and I feel grateful to have this secured with the uncertainty of the federal election, “says Morgan.

“I know that the original proposal from the employer was very low, so I’m appreciative of the hard work of the bargaining team. It was a really good round of bargaining overall,” Morgan continued. The increase in leave and the expansion of the definition of family are both really important wins.

Issues common across all groups negotiating with the Treasury Board were strategically addressed at one central bargaining table. This process allowed us to win on wage increase, family leave, anti-harassment measures and many other areas. Today, 14 groups have signed their new collective agreements which include central and group-specific wins.