Annual General Meeting Minutes – December 3rd, 2024
Radiation Therapists - Walker Family Cancer Centre of the Ontario Groups (WFCC)
Location: The Local Restaurant- 3904 Victoria Ave, Vineland ON L0R 2C0
Date/Time: Tuesday December 3rd, 2024- 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM (ET)
Executive in Attendance:
President: Robert Hancock
Treasurer: Shannon Dutkus
Executive Regrets: Cyndy Hogan
1. Call to Order:
Rob Hancock called meeting to Order @ 6:30 p.m.
2. Adoption of Agenda
Motion to approve. Moved by Shannon Dutkus. Seconded by Elizabeth Platts.
3. Approval of previous Minutes.
Motion to approve. Moved by Elizabeth Platts. Seconded by Alexis Millhiser.
4. Business Arising from previous Minutes
5. President's Address
President’s Report
The President, on behalf of the Executive Committee welcomed all in attendance.
-PIPSC due increase by $17.50/month
- Radiation therapists are gathering quarterly from all unions to discuss issues at large with the entire profession (staffing shortages)
- Rob went on to let members know that the Executive continues to work with Management on various issues that affect membership.
-A bargaining update was delivered. Next bargaining meeting with the hospital is January 14th-16th. Special mention to Vance on his hard work to date for the WFCC group.
-PIPSC was credited for its ongoing support and access to resources for smaller groups. Members were encouraged to bring issues forward to the Executive members so that they may be actioned as necessary.
- WFCC doesn’t have an ERO; but we can send in our requests and someone available will respond to assist
6. Annual Financial Report
Shannon presented the Annual Financial report in detail.
Motion to approve. Moved by Brittany McIntyre. Seconded by Jenny Brittan.
Shannon presented the budget for the upcoming year, including fund allocation for PIPSC staff events.
Motion to approve. Moved by Brittany McIntyre. Seconded by Alexis Millhiser.
This is to be submitted with Annual Allowance Submission.
7. New Business
Updates on new stewards: Alexis Millhiser (successful completion of training); Brittany McIntyre and Jenny Brittan have been approved to attend the next Steward training.
Vacation Selection Committee- Presenter Alexis Millhiser
-Vacation Selection Committee was assigned (Alexis, Steph, Sylvia)
-Vacation picking order was determined based on hire date up until March 2020, any hires after April 2020 select in order of seniority.
-Carry over of more than 2 weeks is still allowed, OR can be paid out
-Changes to be made to the current letter of understanding:
- Prime time is now summer, Christmas and March Break (only 2 weeks allowed in first round)
- Vacation quota changed to 2 (but short weeks can have 3)
- Can add vacation on to end of MLOA
- 2 rounds of selection (1st round is full weeks only)
Still needs to be finalized before next round of vacation selection- Next meeting with HR is December 10th.
8. Elections
Elections Officer, Alexis Millhiser, reviewed and announced nominations and announced results.
President: Rob Hancock (acclaimed)
Vice President: Elizabeth Platts (acclaimed)
Treasurer/Secretary: Brittany McIntyre (acclaimed)
9. Adjournment
Motion to adjourn. Moved by Jennifer Dana. Seconded by Elizabeth Platts.
Rob adjourned the meeting at 8:30 p.m.