SP Elections 2019 - Michael Goodreid
I’ve been representing SP group members at the Tunney’s Pasture Plus worksite for the past few years.
SP-Tunney’s Pasture Plus sub-group President (2017-present); VP (2016); Secretary (2015)
It has been my pleasure, with invaluable assistance from the members of this sub-group’s executive, to facilitate communication between the SP-National and SP group members at our worksite. This has been achieved largely via Lunch & Learns that serve as information sessions and forums where members can provide feedback. We have also organized a number of other learning opportunities in the interest of our members and a few fun social events.
Goals (if successful in obtaining a position on the SP-National Executive):
-Focus on our members: Keep them informed, engaged, and united from coast to coast;
-Make sure that when Phoenix’s replacement is rolled out, that we actively apply the lessons we learned from Phoenix;
-Apply pressure to ensure SP-group members have the space and tools they need to do their jobs effectively; and
-Bring a fresh perspective to creating career development opportunities for SP group members
Thank you for your consideration and support.
Michael Goodreid