
SH DND Sub-Group, Quebec Region


Meeting Minutes


  • Members of the Executive in Attendance: Josée Girard, Karine Régimbald, Renée Lessard, Sophie Lévesque, Sonia Richard, Julie Tremblay. Absent: none.
  • Opening Remarks
  • Approval of the Agenda: moved by Renée Lessard and seconded by Julie Tremblay.
  • Sub-Group’s finances/budget/bank account:
    • Account balance: $3,055,50.
    • Renee does not have access to the bank account, as only the President has access to it. Josée is waiting for answers from Ms. Popova on this matter.
  • Sub-Group AGM:
    • Date to be modified because it is at the same time as the training school: Since April 27 is taken by the Region’s training school, it was carried that the date of the AGM be changed to Wednesday, May 4.
    • Invite Eric Massey as a speaker for the SH Group: will talk about his role in the contract negotiations that are starting this year. He will also be responsible for chairing our Sub-Group Elections.
    • Denis Caissy will also be invited to speak about his role on the National Defence Consultation Committee.
    • Notice of Meeting: Josée will email it to us for approval by the Executive. Do not forget to include a call for nominations for the Sub-Group Executive in the notice of meeting.
    • Agenda: Karine suggested that a draft agenda for the AGM be sent to the Executive within two weeks. We give ourselves 4 weeks to arrive at the final version of the agenda.
    • Door prizes: Define the amount allocated per clinic. Draw for people present on Teams. Executive members of the region where the winners are located will pick up the prizes and present them to the members at their workplace. Action Item: determine the budget and the type of gift card that will be drawn.
    • The Executive will advocate for the Teams platform with permission from the employer for better accessibility for all members whether they are teleworking or working on site.
    • Lunch: very complicated in hybrid mode, logistically speaking. The Executive decided to abandon the idea of providing lunch.
    • Introduction of Executive members and involvement of Sub-Group members in committees within the union: item deferred to next meeting. The Executive members wanted to quickly go through the mandatory items (Elections and Financial Statement) and then leave the floor mainly to Eric Massey.
  • Position of clinics with respect to COVID-19:
    • Longue-Pointe: strongly encouraged to telework as much as possible. Members who received N-95 masks are strongly encouraged to use them but getting them is difficult. All members have access to laptops and family-work arrangements are common. No problems with non-vaccinated people. Code 699 is granted on a case-by-case basis, but is fairly easily accessible. 
    • Saint-Jean: The mode is almost always in-person. Clinicians have had more access to telework than other professions. The meetings remain virtual. The N-95 mask is strongly recommended. Family-work accommodations are readily available, and code 699 is not denied. No problem of non-vaccinated people. Activity will pick up with the resumption of the recruiting course.
    • Bagotville: No problem of non-vaccinated people. No problem with leave code 699. Obligation to report contacts with positive cases. Personal information will not be disclosed other than for statistical and accounting purposes. The N-95 is recommended, but not required. Some departments have been informed that wearing the N-95 is mandatory for customer contact.
    • Valcartier: no problem with non-vaccinated people. No problem accessing code 699. Fit-testing is mandatory for the N-95 mask, but wearing the N-95 is not mandatory, but is strongly recommended. However, there is not enough for everyone. Clinicians for whom the virtual mode is possible are divided into two teams that do not cross paths or very rarely for a maximum of 3 days per week in the office. It is, however, recommended to use the virtual mode as much as possible and to be present in the office as little as possible. 
  • Number of days granted for continuing education: At Valcartier, it is 3 days per clinician. At Bagotville, it’s 5 days per clinician. The time required to process applications is unreasonable. The same is true at Valcartier. In Longue-Pointe, clinicians make requests on a piecemeal basis and there are no clearly established boundaries. The requested trainings are granted. Supervision is also allowed.
  • Other Business:
  • Adjournment: Moved by Karine Régimbald, seconded by Sonia Richard.

Next meeting: March 18, 2022, 8:30–10:30 a.m.