PIPSC SH-Sub Group 2017 Annual General Meeting.

Location: Sweet Dream Luxury Inn, 32288 King Road, Abbotsford, B.C.


Members present (23)

Opening remarks by the president, Krsna Khoyratty.

Meeting called to order at 1715 hours

Approval/Changes to the Agenda.

There were no additions to the Agenda. A motion to accept the Agenda was moved by Jennifer Russell. It was seconded by Ian Shaw. The motion passed unanimously.

Adoption 2016 Minutes

Motion to accept minutes was moved by Krsna Khoyratty. It was seconded by Danielle Manson. The motion passed unanimously.

Treasures Report

The Treasurer Report was given by Jennifer Russell.  A report was provided to the membership with opening and closing balances and explanation of the funds spent over the year.  Members were encouraged to approached the Sub Group with request for funds for member activities (i.e. Lunch and Learn, mobilization, member activities).  The treasures report was accepted as presented, and a motion to accept was moved by Ian Shaw and seconded by Danielle Manson. The motion passed unanimously.

2017 Executive

President: Krsna Khoyratty (position up for election as he is stepping down as President)

Vice President:  Michael Bouwers

Secretary: Ross McIntosh (Up for Election)

Treasurer: Jennifer Russell

Members at Large:

Bev Jameson (position up for Election)

Jolly Bouwers (position up for election)

Leander Dobni (position up for election)

Pierre Bell (position up for election)

Ian Shaw

Tyler Grado

Election of Officers

President: Krsna Khoyratty, was nominated and respectfully declined. 

Jennifer Russell was elected President for a two-year term.  As she was elected on the Fraser Valley Branch, has decline this position.  Mike Bouwers will step into the President, leaving the Vice President vacated for the time being.  This will be discussed at the first meeting. 

Secretary:  Ross McIntosh informed the Executive that he would not be running for re-election. 

Dean Balbira was nominated for the position, and accepted.  Due to no other nominations, Dean Balbira accepted a two-year term.

Members at Large nominations: Bev Jamison, Stacy Sasyniuk, Tom Shaw, Kayla Wilde

Members at Large by acclamation: Bev Jamison, Stacy Sasyniuk, Tom Shaw, Kayla Wilde

Due to no paper ballots needed, all positions were by acclimation, no motion to destroy the ballots needed.

2018 Executive

President:  Michael Bouwers (2-year term)

Vice President:  Vacant (1 year left on term)

Secretary: Dean Balbira (2-year term)

Treasurer: Jennifer Russell (1 year left on term)

Members at Large:

Bev Jameson     (2-year term)

Stacy Sasyniuk (2-year term)

Tom Shaw (2-year term)

Kayla Wilde (2-year term)

Ian Shaw (1 year left on term)

Tyler Grado (1 year left on term)

Vacant MAL position

Bargaining Up-Date: Ian Shaw

Ian Shaw, CSC SH Representative for the Pacific Region gave an up date on bargaining.  Many SH members were disappointed during the last contract.  The contract was settled with very little in the way of benefits to the SH Pacific groups.  This was due mainly to the CSC Pacific Region position on the bargaining team being vacant during this round of negotiations and contract settlement.  Ian has since moved into this position to fight for the contractual rights of the membership.  Moving forward on the next contract, his plan to is to fight for Living Allowances in BC to help off set the high cost of living in this province.  He also encourages the membership to approach/contact him with ideas and feedback for bargaining.

Other Business / Round Table

The floor was open for discussion from the membership.  No other issues or concerns were brought forward. 

Motion to adjourn meeting was moved by Krsna Khoyratty. It was seconded by Paul Smith.

Meeting ended at 1800 hours

Submitted by Jennifer Russell for Ross McIntosh

Secretary PIPSC Sub Group, CSC Subgroup (Pacific)
