Senate Legislative Clerks’ Group/Greffiers législatifs du Sénat


Friday, January 27, 2017

12:00 pm


  1. Call to Order by the President
  2. Declarations of Proxies
  3. Approval of the Agenda
  4. Adoption of the Minutes of the previous AGM
  5. Business arising from the Minutes
  6. Report from the President
  7. Annual Financial Report
  8. Approval of Budget
  9. Election of an Election Chair
  10. Election of the Executive
  11. Report of the Election Chair
  12. New Business, including Proposed By-Law Amendments
  13. Adjournment

The members of the Senate Legislative Clerks Group of the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada met January 27, 2017 at 12:08 pm in room 1001, Chambers Building.

Marie-Eve Belzile, acting President, presided the AGM.

In attendance: Marie-Eve Belzile, Matthieu Boulianne, Evelyne Côté, Maxime Fortin, Line Gravel, Mireille Laforge, Gaêtane Lemay, François Michaud, Mark Palmer, Kevin Pittman, Jessica Richardson, Adam Thompson, Pierre Ouellet (representing PIPSC)

Agenda item 1:  Call to Order by the President

Agenda item 2:  Declaration of proxies

  • The President received 3 proxies

Agenda item 3:  Adoption of the agenda

  • It was agreed to adopt the agenda

Agenda item 4:  Adoption of the Minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting

  • After two (2) small corrections/typos, the minutes were approved unanimously.

Agenda item 5:  Business arising from the Minutes

  • Stand

Agenda item 6:  Report from the President

  • The President made a statement

Agenda item 7:  Annual Financial Report

  • No Financial Report was tabled as the Group does not hold a banking account.
  • The group asked Pierre Ouellet if it would be an option to open an account. He answered favourably. The Group then decided not to go forward with the idea, and that if the Group reconsiders the option in the future, it will let PIPSC know.

Agenda item 8:  Approval of Budget

  • Stand

Agenda item 9:  Election of an Election Chair

  • Marie-Eve, seconded by Kevin, nominated Line to act as the Chair of the Election Committee. Line accepted.

Agenda item 10:  Election of the Executive

  • The Election Chair opened the floor for nominations for President.
  • Jessica, seconded by Gaêtane, nominated Matthieu. There were no other nominations. Matthieu accepted the position.
  • The Election Chair opened the floor for nominations for Vice-President.
  • Matthieu, seconded by Marie-Eve, nominated Vanessa. There were no other nominations. Matthieu accepted the position on behalf of Vanessa.
  • The Election Chair opened the floor for nominations for Secretary-Treasurer.
  • Matthieu, seconded by Adam, nominated Marie-Eve. There were no other nominations. Marie-Eve accepted the position.

Agenda item 11:  Report of the Election Chair

  • The Election Chair announced that the elections were now closed.

Agenda item 12:  New Business, including Proposed By-Law Amendments.

  • Gaêtane called upon the Group for a substitute member on the Health and Safety inspection committee; Evelyne accepted to be her substitute and to receive a short training.
  • Pierre reported on recent union activities. He did an environmental scan of the NCR and the current issues.
  • The Group reviewed the new proposed By-Laws as they were advised by the subcommittee on By-Laws. After discussions, the Group voted on the matter to accept the new By-Laws.
  • Matthieu accepted to send the new approved By-Laws for approval.

Agenda item 13:  Adjournment

  • The meeting was adjourned at 13:01 pm.